Be Constantly Listening
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Daily Word:
Mark 9:7
“And a cloud threw a shadow upon them, and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My Son, the [dearworthy] Beloved One. Be constantly listening to and obeying Him!”
When God talks, I listen.
Jesus had taken Peter, James, and John up a mountain.
They were able to watch a very spiritual occurrence as Moses and Elijah talked with Jesus.
Before they were done, the Lord spoke our verse today.
I have read this passage many times over the years, but today it really stood out to me.
I have been on a ten-year quest to know Jesus better.
As such, I always read a chapter from one of the four gospels daily.
I read them over and over again.
As I read the Lord’s command to the three disciples, I thought about how my daily ritual adheres to His advice.
“Be constantly listening to and obeying Him!”
Although I cannot listen to Jesus speaking to me in the flesh, I can listen to Him in the spirit.
I can also read about Him and read about what He did say as He traversed this earth.
I can ask the Lord to help me discern how to interpret the scriptures and use them for today.
I can diligently seek Jesus’ truths as He spoke them two thousand years ago.
The one word that really spoke to me today was the word “Constantly”.
God didn’t just say, “Listen and obey”.
He said, “Be constantly listening to and obeying Him!”
As I become weak, I must pray for strength to be vigilant in listening and obeying.
It seems too easy to let myself slip into an apathetic space and be weak in mind and spirit.
But the Lord said – “Be constantly”.
He didn’t say, “Sometimes”.
He said, “Constantly”.
Today I choose to be vigilant in seeking to listen and obey the Lord as He gives me the strength.
May you find that the Lord will strengthen you to, “Be constantly listening to and obeying Him!”
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that I am to constantly listen and obey You and Your Son. Father, I ask that You strengthen me in every way so that I am able. As my mind and body weakens, I ask You to strengthen me. May Your Holy Spirit come and tend to me, Lord, and fill me with Your Power and Might. You are Almighty and All-Powerful and Your Spirit is in me. Help me draw upon You, Lord. May I be constantly at Your feet so that I live according to Your will for my life. Bend my will to Yours. Thank You for sending Your Son to this earth so that I can learn from Him. Thank You for Your Word. Thank You that I can freely read Your Word and worship You, Lord. May Your presence permeate my soul. I praise Your Name! You are greatly to be praised! Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM your strength when all strength is gone, My child, and I will help you listen to My voice and obey My commands.
Response: Thank You, Almighty God and Father.