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Daily Word:
John 3:27
“John answered, A man can receive nothing [he can claim nothing, he can take unto himself nothing] except as it has been granted to him from heaven. [A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven; there is no other source.]”
John the Baptist was talking to his followers in this passage.
He had made ready the path for Jesus.
He had lived his life according to God’s plan and had prepared the people for the coming of Christ.
His job was in the completion stages.
Jesus was gaining more followers and disciples.
He was baptizing more people than John.
John’s followers were concerned for John.
However, John’s reply was above.
“A man can receive nothing [he can claim nothing, he can take unto himself nothing] except as it has been granted to him from heaven. [A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven; there is no other source.]”
His ministry would decrease.
This was a good reminder today.
Sometimes my mind and spirit desires other than what the Lord has planned for me.
I may want what someone else has.
Or wonder, why can’t I be more like so and so?
Or wonder what my true calling is.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m on the right path.
I can even find myself complaining about my life.
Why are things the way they are?
Why aren’t things happening faster?
And then I read a verse like the one above.
The Lord has a perfect plan.
His plan also includes perfect timing.
His plan includes perfect peace within me as well as joy and wonder.
He has a plan that is tailor made for me.
He has a plan that is tailor made for you.
And He has given us the perfect gifts to carry out His plan.
Anything else would fall short from true happiness and fulfillment for each of us.
Today I choose to surrender my will to the Lord’s will again, and be thankful for the gifts He has given me.
May you find that the Lord’s plan is perfect for your life and true fulfillment will be yours as you are inside of His plan and operating within His gifting.
Daily Word:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that Your will is perfect, and You have a plan for each and every one of Your people. Thank You for working out You plan in my life. Help me fully surrender to You so that I can walk into Your plan and leave my plan behind. Help me be obedient to You. Help me be grateful for all that You have given to me. Keep me in a place of thankfulness and help me ignore whatever complaints my mind tries to find and think about. Strengthen my soul so that I leave worldly desires alone and focus on the wonders of the spirit. Fill me with Your love, Lord, so that I may love more deeply and serve more fully. Help me be a true servant of Yours. Help me do for others as You ask of me. Help me serve with joy, Lord. Thank You for giving me the perfect gifts that You have given me to do Your will. Lift the burdens that I carry and relieve me of the fatigue and pain of this world. May Your peace rest upon me this day as I go about the tasks that I must do. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I have given you many gifts to use to serve My people, and I will help you do as I ask.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and loving Father.