Be on Your Guard – Watch
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Daily Word:
Mark 13:27
“And then He will send out the angels and will gather together His elect (those He has picked out for Himself) from the four winds, from the farthest bounds of the earth to the farthest bounds of heaven.”
All through time people have been predicting when the end of time will be.
However, Jesus said that even He did not know.
Only the Lord Himself knows when the end will come.
Jesus said that some of the things we are seeing right now are signs of just the beginning of the end.
I take comfort in the verse above and look forward to the end of the battle here on earth.
What do we do until that time?
In the Book of Mark, Jesus said the same thing over and over, “watch and pray”.
In fact, He says this four times in the last five verses of the thirteenth chapter of Mark.
He says to watch and be on our guard.
He talks about the man who leaves his house and gives the order to his workers to, “be constantly alert and on the watch”
for danger to the house.
Just as this man gives His people the order Jesus says, “watch (give strict attention, be cautious, active and alert)”.
As we see all the negativity and chaos around us, sometimes I find it easier to just make it through the day – numb out - and be thankful.
Thankful that it wasn’t worse.
Thankful that today I and my family are safe.
Thankful that I have shelter and food.
Thankful that this day hasn’t presented any new challenges that I may not be ready to face.
And yet the Lord says be vigilant, cautious, on our guard, and alert.
So, I pray that the Lord will help me do all these things.
I pray that He will strengthen me in all ways so that I am able to meet the challenges that are coming.
Pray that the Lord will give me Wisdom to handle these challenges.
And pray that the Lord will give me the energy to do as He asks and not shrink away or sleep when He wants me to be alert.
Today I choose to be strong in the Lord and ask for His help in all ways to meet the challenges of this day.
May you find that the Lord will strengthen you in every way and help you be on your guard during these most difficult times.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for strengthening me in every way to meet the challenges I must face. Keep me alert, cautious, and on my guard as these days are difficult. Only You know what these next days are to be and when You will bring a close to our world as we know it. May Your grace be upon all of us, Father. May Your mercy shower us as Your people. Help us be diligent in seeking You. Help us look to You before we look to the world and all its troubles. May You grant us Your peace, Lord. As so many are in turmoil, I ask that You cover us in peace. Help us come to one another’s aid and cover each other’s pain and suffering with kindness. May we give grace to one another, Lord. Put Your love in our hearts so that we love more deeply than we think we are capable of. Replace our hatred with Your love. Do what only You can do. Help us bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing our prayer.
Answer: I AM watching over all My people and strengthening each one as they have need.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and Almighty Father.