Do Not Be Afraid
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Daily Word:
Luke 12:7 and 25
“But [even] the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many [flocks] of sparrows.”
“And which of you by being overly anxious and troubled with cares can add a cubit to his stature or a moment [unit] of time to his age [the length of his life]?"
These verses are such a comfort to me.
Jesus is talking to the people as he shared so many words of wisdom.
Fear is real.
It grips so many of us.
Especially in these uncertain days.
If I let it, fear can work its way into my mind and spirit.
I can let it deter me.
I can let it even go so far as to destroy me.
However, Jesus said don’t.
He said can, “Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm”.
He gave a wise word when He said that no amount of being anxious and afraid can increase the length of your life.
I do not enjoy being anxious or afraid.
So, when I find myself entertaining fearful thoughts, I must turn my mind on something else.
Every time.
I cannot let my mind take a trip on the fear roller coaster and expect pleasant results.
I must replace any fearful thoughts with something else.
It doesn’t help me to tell myself not to be fearful.
I must intentionally think on something else.
Something beautiful.
Something carefree.
Turn to the Lord.
Turn to scripture.
Read in the book Psalms.
There is so much praise and thanksgiving in that book that my spirit is raised when I read a Psalm or two.
Today I choose to follow Jesus’ advice and not allow myself to get fearful or anxious about anything and allow His Holy Spirit to permeate my soul.
May you find that as you think on good and wonderful things that fear and anxiety will diminish.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for the Wisdom in Your Word. Thank You that I can turn to it at any moment and learn about You and be lifted up. Thank You for the blessing of being able to read Your Word and worship You, Lord. Thank You for that freedom today. I pray that You continue to watch over our land and continue to bless it. I pray for healing, Lord. May Your healing power go throughout this country and all other countries, Father. May we turn to You and see Your wonder working power. Turn our minds and hearts away from fear and anxiety and help us look to You and worship You. As we worship You, our spirits are lifted. May we praise You as You deserve to be praised! You are Great and Mighty! I praise You, Lord! I love to watch You work. I love to see the miracles that You continue to do in my life, in the lives of my family, and in this world. Help me not miss You, Lord. Help me see all that You are doing so that I have even more reason to praise You. Keep my eyes on You, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM working in your life and in your household and will show Myself Mighty and Great in this world.
Response: Thank You, All Powerful and Mighty God.