Dreams Do Come True
You can also listen to the meditation and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Dreams-Do-Come-True-emt5mt
Matthew 2:12-13
“And receiving an answer to their asking, they were divinely instructed and warned in a dream not to go back to Herod; so they departed to their own country by a different way.”
“Now after they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Get up! [Tenderly] take unto you the young Child and His mother and flee to Egypt; and remain there till I tell you [otherwise]; for Herod intends to search for the Child in order to destroy Him.”
As I continued to read the beautiful Christmas story, the Lord wrapped His arms around me.
His gentle voice whispered to me in the words I read.
He said, I will not miss Him.
He will get my attention as there is need.
He will lead me to His will.
We need not worry about missing His instructions or His will for our lives.
He will show us all we need to know for each moment in time.
We see this demonstrated as the angel of the Lord met with people when God’s plan to send His Son was put into motion.
He spoke with Zachariah about his future son, John the Baptist.
The angel spoke with Mary and told her of her pregnancy and birth of the Christ.
He spoke to Joseph in a dream to continue his plans to wed Mary.
He spoke to the wise men to warn them to take another way back home and not meet with Herod.
He spoke to Joseph in another dream to flee the city, go to Egypt, and await further instructions.
When the threat on Jesus’ life had ended the angel spoke to Joseph again in a dream telling him to go home.
A busy angel indeed!
The Lord had no difficulty getting His message to His people.
And He will have no difficulty reaching us either.
As we tune into His Word and listen for His instructions, we will hear Him.
There are times we may feel anxious not knowing what the Lord wants us to do next.
But if we truly rely on Him, He will find us.
And He will show us what to do in the way we will understand.
Today I am thankful the Lord still communicates with me and will wait upon Him to lead and guide me as He wills.
May you find the Lord will lead and guide you and will not leave you destitute of His perfect plan for you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me You are present to lead and guide me into Your perfect plan. Just as You led all the people in Your Word You will lead me as well. Thank You, Father, for showing me You are close to me and I do not have to fear You will leave me destitute. Thank You for Your Word that continues to teach me and calm my spirit. As despair mounts in this world today You are my solace. You are my hiding place. You are my strength. You are my peace. Thank You, Lord, for quieting the anxious places in my mind. Thank You for securing my spirit and saving me – not because of me, but because of You. You desire relationship with me. You desire my worship. I worship You, Father. I worship You and Your Holy Name. You are greatly to be praised! I praise You, Lord. Keep me seeking You and worshiping You for all eternity. Keep me Yours. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: You are Mine, sayeth the Lord, and will always be Mine.
Response: Undeservedly Yours, Lord, thank You, Almighty and gracious Lord.