Fascination Can Be Dangerous
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Fascination-Can-Be-Dangerous-evn1bm
Matthew 14:6-7
“But when Herod’s birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced in the mist [before the company] and pleased and fascinated Herod.”
“And so he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask.”
Of course, this is the story of how John the Baptist was killed.
Herod was fascinated.
Fascinated by a dancing girl.
The women of the day were typically fully clothed and wore veils in public.
So, this dancing display would have been very provocative for the times.
As such, Herod couldn’t restrain himself.
He wanted to give her something.
And not just something, but anything.
Anything she wanted.
He was hasty with his actions and words.
He let himself be carried away by her movements and motions.
Some say he had too much to drink.
He was definitely not using good sense, judgment, or wisdom.
As I read this passage today, I, too was convicted.
Convicted because there have been many things that I have found intriguing and chased after.
I’ve acted in haste and chased so many dreams only to come up empty and dry.
I didn’t include the Lord in most of them.
I have acted like a toddler much of my life with the ‘I do it myself’ attitude.
I think of strong-willed toddlers who dress themselves in a sort of mix and match theme.
Shoes on the wrong foot, not tied properly, or are unmatched.
Socks that don’t match shoes.
And clothes that don’t match any of the above.
They take pride in their appearance and look for our approval as well.
We look on with possible disdain and embarrassment as we take them out in public.
Some days it’s just easier to let them be themselves and do it themselves than to fight another battle.
I imagine God in heaven looking down on me as ‘I do it myself’.
He sees the mess I’m making and eventual doom, but He lets me fall and fail until I’m ready to let Him take the wheel.
When I come to the end of myself, I seek the Lord.
I realize I have acted without wisdom and need His direction.
He is always there to pick me up, dust me off, and teach me a new way.
Today I am thankful the Lord doesn’t give up on me and am thankful He will teach me even if I have acted in haste and made a mistake.
May you find the Lord is always available for you to call upon and will fill you with His wisdom.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me more about how a lack of wisdom is disastrous to me and those around me. Thank You for showing me I need to slow down and not be so hasty. Thank You for showing me I shouldn’t be swayed or moved by the next fascination or shiny object vying for my attention. Keep my eyes on You instead of the world, Lord. May You impart more wisdom into my soul – as much wisdom as You will give me. Help me slow down and bring my plans to You first instead of a friend or loved one. I desire counsel from You, Father. Speak to me in ways I can understand. Help me follow You and You, alone. Help me be obedient to You in every way. Keep me Yours, Lord. Keep me Yours. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you My child and I will lead and guide you with wisdom and counsel.
Response: Help me hear You and follow You, Lord.