God Blesses Our Lack
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/God-Blesses-Our-Lack-eosvf4
Mark 8:7-8
“And they had a few small fish; and when He had praised God and given thanks and asked Him to bless them [to their use], He ordered that these also should be set before [them].”
“And they ate and were satisfied; and they took up seven [large provision] baskets full of the broken pieces left over.”
They were blessed over and over.
Of course, this is the story when Jesus fed four thousand people with seven loaves and three fish.
Although I have read about this miracle many times, I was especially blessed as I read it today.
The Word says that Jesus had pity on the people.
He said, “My heart goes out to them, for they have been with Me now three days and have nothing [left to eat].”
He blessed the little He had.
He praised God.
He gave thanks.
And the Lord provided more than enough to feed four thousand people!
There were seven baskets left over!
It truly blessed me to know that Jesus didn’t see the lack.
He saw their need.
He filled their need by offering thanksgiving and praise to the Lord.
Then He blessed the food that was available.
I imagine Him in heaven looking at my circumstances.
I imagine Him looking down on me with great compassion.
I imagine Him seeing my needs before I even express them.
The people gathered around Jesus weren’t begging Him for food.
No one asked for anything.
They just wanted to be in His presence.
They were completely blessed being with Him and listening to His teaching.
And in sitting and listening to Him, they were fed.
They were fed both spiritually and physically.
We know He didn’t send them away hungry.
He went beyond meeting their needs for there was food left over.
Our passage today spoke to the depths of my heart.
It truly blessed me as I read it.
The Lord sees our needs.
As we spend time with Him, He feeds our souls.
He also provides for our physical needs.
He will make more than enough even out of our lack.
Today I choose to sit with the Lord and be blessed both spiritually and physically as He tends to my needs in every way.
May you find the Lord is already making plans to bless you in so many ways and that He is working in every circumstance of your life.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for Your blessed Word. Thank You for blessing me every time I read about You, Your Son, and all You do and are. Thank You for showing me that You bless all Your people with more than enough. You see our needs before we even ask. As we spend time in Your presence You bless our hearts and then You have a plan to work out every circumstance in our lives. Help me see You work Lord. Don’t let me miss You. I have cause to praise You and worship You as I watch You work. You have always been the God of miracles and still are. You astound me, Father. You are wonderful and great and greatly to be praised! Your heart, Lord, is for me. Your heart is to care for me. Thank You for loving me beyond all understanding. Thank You for loving me past my faults and failures. Thank You for choosing me to be Yours. Keep me Yours, Lord. No matter what is happening in this unsettled world, keep me Yours. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you, My child, and I will always take care of you.
Response: Thank You, most gracious God and Father.