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Daily Word:
Psalm 65:4
“Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whom You choose and cause to come near, that he may dwell in Your courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.”
This verse gives me cause to pause.
I need to be reminded that it is a privilege to be chosen to know God.
It is the highest honor to be called to Him.
It is a gift.
I should never take this gift for granted.
There are some who will never know the love of God.
There are some who will never feel the goodness of the Lord.
There are some who will never know the real reason for our being here.
I am ever so thankful that God chose me to know Him.
I am so thankful that God caused me to come close to Him.
The moments I spend with Him are the most precious moments of the day.
Those moments allow me to endure the day.
They help me be a better version of myself.
I need to spend a few minutes in God’s presence and feel His Holy Spirit cleansing my spirit.
Left to myself, I would be selfish and less than kind.
Left to myself, I would be angry and upset.
Left to myself, I would be unpleasant and hard to be around.
Those precious moments I spend with the Lord change me.
They mold me.
They allow peace to cover me.
They allow His grace to permeate my soul.
They melt my heart.
Today I choose to be ever so grateful that the Lord chose me to know Him and caused me to come near to Him.
May you find the grace in the fact that God chose you to know Him and caused you to be close to Him.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for choosing me to know You. Thank You for bringing me close to You and allowing me to sit in Your presence so that You can change me. Thank You for not letting me alone to remain in my misery. Thank You for showing me Your goodness. Thank You for Your many blessings. And thank You for showing me the real reason for my existence. You made me to worship You. In my worship of You I find peace and grace and love. I find You, Lord. Help me always be close to You. Keep me at Your feet so that I know Who is holding me up. Keep me seeking You, Lord, so that I leave the chaos of seeking the world alone. May Your peace be upon me. May Your grace shine upon me. May Your mercy flow my way as I desperately need it. Quiet the chaos around me and allow me to dwell in Your presence. I so long to worship at Your feet. Until then, lead and guide me in all that I do. Help me follow You, Lord. Strengthen me in every way and give me the courage to do as You ask. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I have chosen you to know Me, My child, and You will always be Mine.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and glorious Lord.