God Does Not Count Our Sins Against Us
You can also listen to the meditation and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/God-Does-Not-Count-Our-sins-Against-Us-ejhoh6
Daily Word:
Romans 4:7
“Blessed and happy and to be envied are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered up and completely buried.”
Our transgressions and sins are often held against us by others.
As human beings we hurt one another.
We offend one another.
Sometimes by accident and other times on purpose.
We may spend hours, days, and years doing penance for our sins when it comes to people.
Some will never forgive us.
But God always does.
He forgives us from the first ask.
As soon as we ask for forgiveness, He offers it without hesitation.
And His forgiveness is forever.
It is immovable.
Our verse says that our sins are “covered up and completely buried”.
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross makes it so.
This is so hard to fully understand.
If we actually understood it, we would be able to forgive those who hurt us, and they would be able to forgive us.
We wouldn’t hold their transgressions against them, and they wouldn’t hold our transgressions against us.
But we don’t really get it.
We tend to hold onto our own sins and live in regret instead of the freedom that Jesus freely offered us.
We also hold onto others’ sins.
Jesus, the Giver, desires His gift to be received.
The only way we can truly receive forgiveness is to know that is offered out of pure love.
As we bask in the love of our Lord, we feel His mercy and forgiveness.
We need to do this frequently because the enemy tries to convince us that we are not worthy.
The enemy tries to convince us that others are not worthy.
And then we all find ourselves back in regret and shame.
Today I choose love over regret and pray the Lord will continuously minster to my spirit with His mercy so that I may truly forgive and love others.
May you find that as you spend time with the Lord and feel the purity of His love you will be able to fully accept His forgiveness and be able to forgive others.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, thank You for teaching me more about your total and complete forgiveness. Thank You for blessing me with Your forgiveness. Help me rest in Your love and sit in Your presence so that I am able to feel Your mercy and be fully restored to You. May You minister to my spirit continuously so that I do not fall into the enemy’s trap of regret and shame. Help me see me as You do, Father. Help me love as You love. Help me forgive others as completely as You forgive me. Keep me yours, Lord. No matter what happens in this world, keep me Yours. Keep my eyes on You and not this world. Lead and guide me today and every day. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: My Son’s sacrifice covers all sin and it is remembered no more.
Response: Thank You, most merciful and gracious Lord.