God’s Generosity
You may also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Gods-Generosity-enr8lt
Matthew 20:14-15
“Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this man hired last the same as I give to you.”
“Am I not permitted to do what I choose with what is mine? [Or do you begrudge my being generous?] Is your eye evil because I am good?”
I was reading the parable Jesus told about the estate owner who paid all the workman the same wage no matter how much work they did for him.
Some of the men started work early in the day.
Some started at midday.
And others started in the last hour.
All were paid the same.
The men who worked all day were upset they didn’t earn more than the ones who only worked an hour or so.
However, the estate owner was generous with all the men.
He seemed especially generous to the workers who only worked a little.
Jesus told this parable to try and explain the generosity of God.
There are some people who have believed and served all their lives.
They have given of themselves even when it was inconvenient.
They deprived themselves as well.
Then there are people who didn’t known the Lord until the end of their lives.
They lived their lives according to their desires.
They experienced all the earthly pleasures.
They may have stolen, lied, cheated, or even killed.
And in the last hour of their lives, they found the Lord.
They accepted the Lord as their Savior before their death and they were received in heaven by our Almighty God and King.
All people receive the same reward.
Eternal life with the Lord.
Does this seem fair?
Should the evil doer get the same reward as the lifelong believer?
What was the benefit to the one who denied him or herself the pleasures of this life?
A lifetime with Jesus as their Lord.
A lifetime of living in the presence of the Lord.
A lifetime of being directed by the Great I AM.
I cannot imagine walking a day without Jesus by my side.
Jesus shows us the generosity of our God through the parable He told.
God is more than generous.
His grace is immeasurable.
His love is incomprehensible.
And the beauty of it all is that we don’t deserve any of it.
We cannot earn it.
We cannot be good enough to have it.
There is nothing we can do to have His love bestowed upon us more than it already is.
He simply loves us.
That is the why the story of Jesus’ death on the cross means so much.
No one can earn forgiveness.
No one deserves it.
It has been done for us so we can commune with the Great Almighty.
Unbelievable, undeserved, more than enough – grace.
Today I am thankful for God’s immeasurable generosity as He gave His Son as a sacrifice so we could be in relationship with Him and live with Him for eternity.
May you find the Lord to be generous in His love and grace for you every day of your life.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me more about Your generosity. Thank You for showing me Your generosity to all Your people. Your love is infinite. Your grace is more than enough and is ever flowing in our lives. There is more than enough of You for all of us. Thank You, Lord, that Your generosity goes beyond my ability to deserve it. Undeserving of all You give to me You give it anyway. I cannot be good enough or do enough to deserve the kind of love You offer to me. I am the result of the work of Your hands, and Your plans for me are wonderful. Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect plan. Help me do all You have planned for me to do. Help me serve You with my entire being. May Your joy fill my soul as I serve You, Lord. Put Your love in my heart so it overflows into the lives of others. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM and My generosity is upon you and all My people.
Response: Thank You, Father, for an immeasurable amount of grace and generosity You pour over my life.