God’s Promises
You can also listen to the meditation and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Gods-Promises-effh0p
Daily Word:
Genesis 17:1-2
“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I am the Almighty God; walk and live habitually before Me and be perfect (blameless, wholehearted, complete).”
“And I will make My covenant (solemn pledge) is with you, and you shall be the father of many nations.”
God had promised Abraham that he would have numerous descendants.
Too many to count!
Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was impatient.
At eighty-six years old she urged Abraham to lay with her handmaid so that God’s promise would come true.
Human nature hasn’t changed much since the beginning of time.
Patience is difficult to own.
God had made them a promise.
To Sarah, it didn’t look like God’s promise was going to come to fruition.
She hurried it along.
And when the child, Ishmael, was born, there was immediate strife between the mother and Sarah.
Darkness had prevailed inside of Sarah’s impatience.
It took another thirteen years for God to show Himself faithful to His promise.
Abraham was now ninety-nine.
If they didn’t think God was going to make His promise happen at eighty-six, I’m sure they didn’t expect it thirteen years later at ninety-nine years old.
However, we know the story ends that way.
God’s promise took patience.
And inside of that time there was impatience and sin.
Still, God was faithful to His promise.
Not only was He faithful to His promise, He renamed both of them.
Abram to Abraham – “[High, exalted father to father of a multitude]”.
And Sarai to Sarah which meant “[Princess]”.
God lifted both of them up at almost one hundred years old.
Reading about their story gave me hope that God’s promises are still valid.
His plan will reign.
He has won the battle that is facing us, our families, and our nation.
He will always win.
No matter how bleak things look, God has already won.
Today my heart is lifted up as I read His Word and see that our God is faithful to His promises.
May you find that the Lord is faithful to the promises He has made to you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for Your Word that shows You as the God who lifts Your people up in the face of impossibility. Thank You for working out all the details for Your people perfectly. Thank You for being the God of restoration. May Your hand be upon me, my household, and our nation. May Your will be done. You are the God of Power and Might. To You be all glory given! I praise You, Lord. I praise Your Name! You are greatly to be praised! Help me continue to praise You through and in all things, Father. Help me see Your wonder working power. Increase my faith so that I am strengthened and can do Your will. May Your will be mine. May Your desires be my desires. Help me do all that You have for me to do, Lord. Help me look to You and be obedient to You. Lead and guide me this day. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the God who knows all, sees all, and will work out all things for My glory.
Response: Help me see You, Lord, and all that You do.