Growing in God’s Wisdom
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Mark 4:24-25
“And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you – and more will be given to you who hear.”
“For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.”
Jesus had just been teaching the multitudes about the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.
He used parables and stories to teach them because He couldn’t talk plainly to them.
But now He was talking with His disciples, so he didn’t need to use parables or stories.
He could be real with them.
Our passage is one of warning.
Jesus told the disciples to be careful what they listened to.
He told them to be careful about what they thought.
And I thought these are wise words for us even today.
There is so much dissension in our world that it is difficult to sift through it all and find the truth.
Jesus told them the more they studied the truth the more knowledge they would have.
And the more they had, the more they’d receive.
So, I pray the Lord helps me sift through all the noise and find truth.
I pray He helps me find Him amidst all the noise and distractions of this world.
I desire knowledge about God and His ways and am thankful He’s faithful to that desire.
Jesus told His disciples that if someone didn’t acquire knowledge and wisdom, even what little they had would be taken away.
And I thought I would much rather be in the place of being added to than taken away from.
So, I seek God in His Word.
Today I choose to seek the Lord and His wisdom and am open to receive all the knowledge Lord will give me.
May you find the Lord is generous in His offerings and will give you all you seek.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me to seek You and learn more of Your ways. Thank You for reminding me to be careful about what I listen to and allow to enter my heart and soul. Father, guard me from the enemy and his devices. Fill my mind with thoughts of You. Fill my heart with Your love. Fill my spirit with Yours. Help me see with Your eyes so I can see the needs of those around me. Put compassion in my heart so I will offer help as needed. May Your words be spoken from my lips to comfort others. Fill me with Your wisdom, Lord. Thank You for Your promise to grant me that which I seek. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the God of Wisdom and I take pleasure in teaching you about Me so you can serve as I ask of you.
Response: Help me learn of You and Your ways, most gracious and merciful Lord.