Guard Your Truth
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II Timothy 1:14
“Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious and excellently adapted [Truth] which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of the] Holy Spirit Who makes His home in us.”
This passage spoke volumes to my heart today.
Paul told Timothy to guard and protect his faith – his Truth.
Not just guard it but he told him to keep watch over it “with the greatest care”
for it was precious.
Our passage spoke to me because I need to guard the Lord’s messages to me with more care.
If I don’t, I can miss His best for me.
When I tell others what the Lord has told me before all things are ready, I am impacted by their negative opinions.
It can lead to uncertainty.
Uncertainty leads to doubt.
Doubt turns into fear.
And fear stops me right in my tracks.
Again, Paul told Timothy to guard his Truth.
The Truth the Lord had put into his heart.
I am reminded to guard the things the Lord shows me about my life.
For these are precious things.
They are Kingdom things.
They were not meant for anyone but me.
They were given to me as I sat in God’s presence, the holy of holies.
I miss the mark when I share these things with people before the appointed time.
God did not intend for us to confer with one another about the times we spend with Him in our prayer closet.
The times when He speaks a Word over our lives.
There are certainly situations when we need the support and prayers of others.
And we call upon people during those times.
However, our calling is not up for debate.
Our time of preparation is not up for debate either.
Those are Kingdom things.
Today I choose to hold the Lord’s plan for my life close to my heart and ponder the beautiful things He has shown me.
May you find God’s plan for you is beautiful as you hold His vision close to your heart.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me to guard my heart. Thank You for reminding me to cling to and hold close to the things You show me about my life. Thank You, Father, for the beautiful life You have planned for me. Help me continue to believe You are making all things come to pass in due season. Give me patience to wait upon You and not get ahead of You. Teach me and show me more of You and Your ways as I wait for Your perfect timing. Continue to pour Your Wisdom into my heart as I seek You. Your miracles are wonderful and many as I move through each day. Thank You for Your provision and for Your careful watch over me and the family You have given me. Help us follow You in every way. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I have a plan for you My child, and I AM preparing you to serve Me.
Response: Ready me for Your service, Lord, and help me be obedient to You in every way.