In the Wilderness
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Daily Word:
Mark 1:3
“A voice of one crying in the wilderness [shouting in the desert]. Prepare the way of the Lord, make His beaten tracks straight (level and passable)!”
John the Baptist was that one voice.
He spent most of his time in the wilderness.
He separated himself from all worldly things – almost from the world itself.
His divine appointment from God was to prepare the people for Jesus’ coming.
He spoke, or more like yelled, to the people about repentance.
The Amplified Bible’s interpretation of repentance is: “a change of one’s mind for the better, heartily amending one’s ways, with abhorrence of his past sins”.
He shouted about repentance and forgiveness.
He baptized people as they came to him.
And as we know, he even baptized the Lord.
His mission in life was then complete.
If you think about it, his mission in life was huge.
He was given the task of preparing the hearts and minds for the One True God.
Jesus, Who would transform the way all future generations would interact with the Great I AM.
He had this super important task and, yet, John’s life was simple.
Verse six says he, “wore clothing woven of camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey”.
He didn’t partake of the normal activities of the day.
Most people drank wine as their mealtime beverage.
John didn’t.
His parents were warned against it.
The wilderness became his home.
I was struck with the word “wilderness”
today as I read our verse.
There are times in life that we feel we are in the wilderness.
Maybe even crying in the wilderness.
We may be shouting from the rooftop and it seems no one is listening.
But we are still in God’s sight.
He sees us.
He meets us in the wilderness.
He cares for us even when it seems no one else is.
The Lord wraps us up in His tender care and holds us up when we don’t think we can stand another minute.
Today I choose to believe that the Lord is with me in this time of wilderness and quiet and will nurture my spirit as He meets me here.
May you find that the Lord is with you in your wilderness and that He is strengthening you as you walk alone.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that the wilderness is a place in which You do mighty works. Thank You for showing me that Your Holy Spirit is within me as I traverse through the seasons of wilderness. Thank You for helping me see that You are with me and that You see me even when it seems no one else does. Thank You for loving me through the wilderness, Lord. Help me continue to seek You. Keep my eyes on You as I move through these next days. Lead and guide my every step, thought, and action. Lead me to Your feet, Lord. As I seek You, I find You. Thank You for a few precious moments with You as You soothe my soul. Fill me with Your love, Father, so that I may do Your work. As uneasiness sets in, remind me that You are with me. Thank You for never leaving me alone or abandoning me. Strengthen me in every way, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you, My child, and walk beside you in the wilderness.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and loving Father.