Daily Word:
John 2:24-25
"But Jesus [for His part] did not trust Himself to them, because He knew all [men];"
"And He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man [needed no evidence from anyone about men], for He Himself knew what was in human nature, [He could read men's hearts.]"
As I was reading the Word today, these verses spoke to me.
Jesus didn't trust Himself to men.
He knew what was in their hearts.
Human nature is, at best, flawed.
We try our best and, yet, fail.
Others in our lives fail.
May we not get so hard hearted that we think our sin is any less significant or less harmful than another's.
No sin is better than another.
No sin is worse than another.
Jesus knew all men sin.
He also knew that His mission was not to simply get people to like Him.
His mission was to save them.
His spirit was constantly strengthened by God, not man.
He was ministered to by the Holy Spirit and angels while on this earth.
He didn't need the affection or lifting up by people.
This passage spoke to me today as God reaching out and instructing me to not put all of my faith in man but put my faith in Him.
I also felt like God was giving me a message about being careful who I trust.
We need to take care in who we trust.
God's will for our lives is different for each of us.
Most people won't know what to do with the will and message He has for our lives.
He didn't give it to them.
He gave it to us, individually.
I'm not to look to others for their affirmation and approval.
I'm to look to God.
Today I choose to rely on God's affirmation and will for my life instead of the world's affirmation and be careful with whom I trust.
May you find that as you trust Him, He will direct you to the people who will honor you and His will for your life.
Blessings be to you!
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, You are Almighty and Great! You designed this world and everything that is in it. You knew me before I was ever born. You designed my life before I understood what life was. Your will is perfect, Father. Help me do all that You have for me to do. Help me look to You for direction and purpose. Help me look to You before I look to the world. May Your love for me be more than enough to fill my heart and soul. May I stand strong and operate in Your will as You direct and lead me. Help me not look for affirmation and affection here on this planet when Yours is perfect and all that I need. Help me follow You in everything that I do. Keep my eyes on You, Lord. Help me listen to Your whispers and heed Your voice. Thank You, Lord, for being my all in all. Thank You for holding me up in all the dark times and blessing me with times of rejoicing. Help me bless another today, Father. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you, My child, and will lead and direct you into My perfect will.
Response: Undeservedly Yours, Lord.