They Shall Be Comforted
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Matthew 5:4
“Blessed and enviably happy [with a happiness produced by the experience of God’s favor and especially conditioned by the revelation of His matchless grace] are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted!”
These are Jesus’ words as He gave His sermon on the Mount.
The Beatitudes.
As I read the Beatitudes this morning, I cannot imagine a more comforting passage than our verse today.
The hearts of this world are mourning.
We mourn for a country.
We mourn for the people.
Those who are left behind.
Those who’ve already given their lives for other’s safety.
Those who mourn their lives.
Those who will are taken too early.
And finally, those who will suffer in torment.
Jesus said, “blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted!”
He uses an exclamation point here, so there is no reason to doubt His statement.
I look to the Word for more about the Comforter.
In John 14:16 Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever.”
The Holy Spirit is within us because of Jesus’ sacrifice.
We are comforted in our pain.
We have a Counselor to guide us.
A Helper to assist us.
An Intercessor to intercede for our inner most needs.
An Advocate pleading for us.
A Strengthener to make us strong when we are weak.
And a Standby we can always rely on.
I take comfort in knowing the Holy Spirit is not only all of these things for me, but He is all of these things for all.
He is with those who suffer.
He is with all those we mourn for today and all those we’ll mourn for tomorrow.
As this world turns upside down, I must put my faith in the Lord that He is with all His people.
Today I choose to lean on and lean into the Lord and His promise that the Comforter is with each of us and He is with all who suffer.
May you be comforted knowing the Lord has sent His Spirit into all His people to give them what they need to withstand the atrocities that are prevalent at this time.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me Your Spirit is within me and Your Spirit is within all Your people. Thank You for Your comfort, strength, help, and intercession. Father, I cannot grasp the enormity of the pain and suffering of Your people. I am not able to understand the world with all its atrocities but I do know You’re a good God. A God of love. An Almighty God. A merciful God. You reign above all. May Your Holy Spirit be profoundly felt and experienced by all who are suffering. May we find You in the storms of this life. May we find You in the tumult. May we receive Your comfort, strength, and assistance today. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with My people and I see their pain. My Spirit is within them.
Response: Help us lean into You and receive all You have to offer, Father. Keep our eyes on You.