Super-Human Power
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I Thessalonians 2:13
And we also thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe [exercising its super-human power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it].
I love action-adventure movies.
I just love watching people do almost super-human things!
It’s like watching perfection in motion even though I know it’s not really real.
So, when I came across this passage, I was excited and read it multiple times.
Paul tells us the Word of God is at work in us believers to give us “super-human power.”
We have access to super-human power?
This is so AWESOME!
We know that God is miraculous.
But do we really know that God’s miraculous nature is at work in us as well?
Our hearts are transformed because of the work He does in us.
We are transformed as we read His Word and experience Him at work in our lives.
Paul tells us there is power for those of us who believe in, are obedient to, and have faith and trust in God.
When we feel weak in any of these areas, we can ask for the super-human power to come up higher.
The Lord will provide.
I am grateful the Lord fills in the gaps for me as I have a need.
Reading this passage today strengthened my spirit.
This passage is my little miracle today.
How about you?
Are your ready to start accessing and using your super-human power?
The power is in the Word.
Today I am grateful the Lord spoke to my heart and strengthened my spirit through the power in His Word.
May you find the Lord will strengthen you and lift you to great heights by the power in His Word.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, thank You for strengthening us and lifting us higher through the power in Your Word. Thank You for the freedom to read the Bible and learn more of You and Your ways. Help us listen to Your gentle whispers as we read and learn about You. Thank You for making us worthy to know You and receive Your Holy Spirit in ours. May You rule every part of our hearts, Lord. May You search and find the broken pieces that need Your healing touch. Infuse Your super-human power into our soul so we can come up higher and be obedient to You. Keep our eyes on You and not the things of this world. Keep our hearts soft toward You. Help us bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing our prayer.
Answer: I AM watching over you, and My Spirit is inside you strengthening and encouraging you.
Response: Thank You for making a way for us to receive Your Spirit, Almighty God and Father. Amen
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