Peace Be To You!
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John 20:19
“Then on that same first day of the week, when it was evening, though the disciples were behind closed doors for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace to you!”
“So saying, He showed them His hands and His side. And when the disciples saw the Lord, they were filled with joy.”
How excited they must have been to see their Friend, Teacher, and the Messiah Who had been crucified now alive!
The very first Easter was born!
Imagine Jesus walking into the room filled with His beloved disciples.
The very first thing he said to them was, “Peace to you!”
He didn’t say He was happy to see them.
He didn’t say anything about the suffering He had gone through.
He didn’t tell any tales as we would have probably done.
He said, “Peace to you!”
Peace is one of His greatest gifts and it was one He spoke to them.
I praise the Lord this day!
This day we celebrate His rising from death.
This day we celebrate Him conquering death.
There is no finite in our lives now.
We will live for eternity with Him.
So, we praise Him!
We most certainly praise Him!
And I ask Him to help me receive His peace.
The peace that He died for us to have.
Again, in our passage today Jesus said, “Peace to you!”
May we all receive the peace Jesus gave to His disciples then and all His disciples for all time.
May we praise His holy name today!
Today I praise the Lord as we celebrate Christ rising from the grave and accept the peace that He died to give us all.
May you celebrate Christ has risen and receive the peace He grants you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for the praise we have today! Thank You for raising Your Son from the grave! Thank You for the promise of all future days with You. I praise You, Lord! I praise Your Mighty name! You are greatly to be praised! May the angels rejoice with us today as we celebrate this Easter Day. May our hearts rejoice as one today! May this world rejoice as one today! Bring us into Your Sanctuary as we praise You, Father! Thank You for Your perfect plan to bring us into Your presence. Thank You for washing away our sins and making us perfect in Your sight. Thank You for the Peace Your Son gave to this world. May we embrace Your Peace this Easter morning! Help us bless someone today. Thank You for hearing our prayer.
Answer: I AM the God Who hears the praise of My people.
Response: We praise You this day Almighty God and Father.