Pierced by a Sword
You can also listen to the meditation and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Pierced-by-a-Sword-ecog8u
Daily Word:
Luke 2:35
“And a sword will pierce through your own soul also – that the secret thoughts and purposes of many hearts may be brought out and disclosed.”
A man named Simeon said this to Mary when Jesus was born.
Simeon was told in a divine dream that he would see the Messiah before he died.
And when he saw Jesus in the temple as a baby, he prophesied to Mary.
As we have just celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus, I was thinking how difficult it must have been for Mary.
As a mother of three young men, I find it difficult to think about any of them being hurt.
Yet Mary had to watch her Son die in such a horrible way.
Her Son had done no wrong.
He was placed between two men who had broken the law.
But her Son had not.
And what a horrible death to have to watch.
How could a mother look upon her child as He was being tormented through this death sentence?
She must have been ministered to by God.
The Lord must have shed His grace and mercy upon her.
She would have had to have been prepared for this event since Jesus was born.
And, the scripture today shows us that she was told in advance that she would suffer.
Her suffering would provide a way for us to have relationship with the Almighty God.
She was deeply blessed to be chosen to give birth to the Messiah, and yet, deeply hurt as she watched His fate being carried out.
As mothers, we all suffer for our children.
We bleed for them.
We can be assured that God will strengthen us to face anything we must face just as He strengthened Mary.
He will grant us the grace to withstand all the challenges that will come our way.
Today I look to the Lord for strength, grace, mercy, and wisdom that encourages me to meet the challenges I face with God at my side.
May you find that the God of the universe knows your struggles and will give you the strength, grace and mercy you need to overcome them.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for all You do for me. Thank You for showing me that Your servants faced the most difficult challenges that this earth can give, and You came to their aid. Thank You for showing me Your mercy and grace. Thank You for showing me that You deeply care for me and all that struggles that I face. Thank You for showing me that You are with me through all of them and will minister to me as I have need. You are Great and Mighty! There is nothing that is too difficult for You, Lord. Your perfect plan is working in my life and the lives of the children You have given me. Guide me as I walk through this day. Help me do what You would have me do in all instances, Father. Help me care for the family You have given me with strength and wisdom. May You lead and guide each one of us. Thank You for watching over and protecting us, Lord. Keep us looking to You in all that we do. Help us to seek You for meaning and inspiration instead of the world. Keep us in Your perfect care, Lord. May Your will be done. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM watching over and protecting you and your household and will keep you safe.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and loving Father.