Pursue Love and Gentleness
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Pursue-Love-and-Gentleness-etgcsa
I Timothy 6:11
“But as for you, O man of God, flee from all these things; aim at and pursue righteousness (right standing with God and true goodness), godliness (which is the loving fear of God and being Christlike), faith, love, steadfastness (patience), and gentleness of heart.”
Paul was giving Timothy advice as Timothy was beginning his ministry.
His advice is still so applicable for us today.
Paul had been telling Timothy to flee from the idea of seeking riches ahead of the kingdom of God.
He said that craving money had led others away from the faith.
Not only that, but it had given them emotional anxiety.
One of God’s most precious gifts to us is the gift of peace.
Keeping up with the material things that our neighbors, friends, and families may have is emotionally and physically exhausting.
It can even keep us up at night.
But when I focus on serving the Lord, those material things diminish in their importance.
As I look to improve my relationship with God, I no longer strive to acquire more material belongings in the way that I previously had.
Suddenly, my furniture is comfortable and suitable for our use.
I understand its purpose.
Furniture provides a place for us to sit and enjoy one another, relax and rejuvenate, as well as recreate.
Likewise, suddenly my kitchen table becomes a thing of beauty because I know its purpose.
It is where our family congregates, breaks bread with one another, takes much needed breaks, and is a place we laugh and love.
When I focus on the Lord’s business, I quit over-thinking mine.
Paul told Timothy to pursue the Lord and be obedient to Him.
He told him to pursue being Christlike.
Pursue faith and love.
Pursue patience and a gentle heart.
While this may all seem a bit overwhelming, perhaps we could take on pursuing just one aspect of Timothy’s urging each day.
Paul then goes on to say, “Fight the good fight of faith”.
Interesting he used the word fight.
It does seem like a fight.
A fight within our own selves.
However, it is a fight we can win with the help of the Lord.
Today I choose to pursue the Lord and being more like His Son as He gives me aid.
May you find that Lord will help you pursue faith, love, patience, and gentleness as you seek Him.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me to prioritize You above all else. Thank You for reminding me to seek You over the things of this world. Help me seek being more like You and Your Son. Help me lean into faith instead of the insecurities and anxieties I feel. Help me choose to love instead of following my emotions. Help me be patient on You and myself as You transform my spirit. Help me put on gentleness instead of maintaining a hard heart. Keep my heart soft to You, Lord. Strengthen me and help me persevere through the difficult things so I can learn to withstand all the advances from the enemy. Help me be obedient to You in all things. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM always at work in you bringing forth all good things in your heart and mind.
Response: Thank You, Almighty God and Father.