Receive With Thanksgiving
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I Timothy 4:4-5
For everything God has created is good, and nothing is to be thrown away or refused if it is received with thanksgiving. For it is hallowed and consecrated by the Word of God and by prayer.
Paul advised Timothy to be aware of false doctrines.
Rules people made up about how to live a Christian life.
Rules that weren’t Godly Truths.
Their rules included abstaining from certain foods among other rituals.
However, Paul said that everything made by God is good.
Of course, he qualifies his statement.
He said everything is good when it is received with thanksgiving.
There is tremendous blessing and power that comes through being thankful.
Paul also qualifies his statement by writing that everything is made holy by the Word of God and through prayer.
As we pray with a thankful heart over our food, God makes it holy.
He makes it acceptable for our bodies to receive.
I haven’t quite seen this Truth as clearly as I see it today.
While there is man-made food that isn’t as healthy as it should be, when it is offered to us and we pray over it, God will hallow it.
There is nothing God cannot do.
And He is concerned about every detail in our lives.
So, we can even give Him our food and ask Him to bless it and make it holy.
I’m not sure that I’ve prayed over my food in this way before, but I see that it is good.
Today I will start praying over my food as Paul advised and receive God’s blessing to make it holy according to His Word.
May you find a special message here about God’s blessing your food as you pray over it.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, thank You for Your Word that continues to teach us new Truths. Thank You for Your messengers who bring us good news as we read it. Lord, Your Word says as we pray over the food before us, that You will make it holy and acceptable for our bodies. May we call upon You to hallow the food we eat. May we remember to receive it with all thankfulness to You as the Maker of all good things. May our hearts turn to You as we thank You for all the goodness in our lives. Help us give You praise and honor as we move through our day, Lord. Help us bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing our prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM, and there is nothing I cannot do. Look to me, with a thankful heart, for all you need.
Response: Guard and keep our hearts Yours, Lord. Help us honor You and be thankful for You do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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