Refill Your Tank
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Mark 1:34-35
“And He cured many who were afflicted with various diseases; and He drove out many demons, but would not allow the demons to talk because they knew Him [intuitively].”
“And in the morning, long before daylight, He got up and went out to a deserted place, and there He prayed.”
If there ever was a busy person, it was Jesus.
He was busy throughout His three-year ministry.
He healed the sick, fed the hungry, preached day after day, and walked everywhere He went.
I can hardly imagine how it must have felt to begin His ministry knowing He had just three short years to change the world.
He expended massive amounts of energy all the time.
When He healed the woman with the blood flow, He said He felt the healing energy flowing out of Him.
There was a constant flow of energy draining Him, but He knew how to recharge.
He prayed.
Our passage tells us He was up far before daylight to pray.
He didn’t sleep in to regain strength.
He didn’t go to the synagogue and pray with others.
He went to a deserted place to spend time with God, His Father.
And this wasn’t the only time He went to a quiet place to pray.
After He had ministered to the thousands and fed them with loaves and fish, He sent His disciples on ahead of Him and went to the mountain to pray.
I have wondered why these passages were important enough to include in the Word.
Today I saw something new.
When Jesus had expended significant energy, He needed to be alone and recharge in prayer.
He set an amazing example for us.
It is somehow easier for us to be busy and tend to other’s needs instead of our own.
However, Jesus made a point to find some alone time and pray.
He found His strength in communing with God Almighty.
Our strength comes from the Lord as well.
Today I choose to take the time to get quiet and sit in the presence of the Lord, so He can refresh my soul.
May you find some time to worship, pray, and be lifted into the Lord’s presence, so He can fill your spirit with His joy and love.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me I need to take time and recharge my spirit. Thank You for showing me I need to spend time in Your presence when I feel empty and dry. After giving and serving others, I need to spend time with You. You are the well of Living Water that never runs dry. You lead me to green pastures to sit and breathe in Your beauty. You restore my soul. Thank You for Your Word which teaches me about You and Your merciful ways. Help me be merciful to myself. Help me get quiet and allow You to fill my spirit with Yours. Help me receive Your mercy. Help me receive Your love. And help me offer both to others. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the God of restoration, mercy, and grace, so come to Me and you will find rest.
Response. Help me sit with You and be refreshed, Father.