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Daily Word:
Luke 10:39-42
“And she had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was listening to His teaching.”
“But Martha [overly occupied and too busy] was distracted with much serving; and she came up to Him and said, Lord, is it nothing to You that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me [to lend a hand and do her part along with me]!”
“But the Lord replied to her by saying, Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things;”
“There is need of only one or but a few things. Mary has chosen the good portion [that which is to her advantage], which shall not be taken away from her.”
Reading about Mary and Martha today convicted me.
It reminded me that there are more important things than the tasks that surround us and seem to be screaming at us to tend to them.
The guilt about not having everything in order in my home is sometimes insurmountable.
I love a clean home and organized home.
I seek a more minimalistic approach to living.
And, yet, somehow, I not able to maintain these things simultaneously.
I may get things clean, but then the laundry isn’t done.
I may do the laundry, but then it seems difficult to put everything away in its proper place in a timely fashion.
Then there is the kitchen counter.
Need I say more?
As I try to rid our home of non-essential items, more seem to make their way into our house.
None of these tasks or thoughts about these tasks are directly related to what I actually want to be doing.
So, I get caught up in Martha’s world.
I do not want to be in Martha’s world.
I want to live in Mary’s world.
I want to be sitting at Jesus’ feet – even if only in my mind – learning of Him as I read His Word.
I want to be writing music and poetry.
I want to be writing more books that I already have titles for.
And then the overwhelm settles in.
What do I do first?
How can I let things in the house go unattended when there seems to be a need for me to tend to those things?
As I bring this to the Lord, I hear Him reassure me that there is time for all that I need to do and all the I want to do.
I ask Him to work out my schedule.
I am constantly asking Him about what I should be doing.
I try and follow His lead.
I ask Him to help me hear His whispers so that I do not get off track and join Martha’s lifestyle.
Sometimes the chores I have in front of me are necessary, and I find peace in that.
Other times I need to embrace Mary’s lifestyle and sit at Jesus’ feet and soak up His teaching.
Today I choose to be mindful of the lifestyle that I will lead and ask the Lord to guide my every step.
May you find that the Lord will lead you as you ask Him to guide you through your day.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that I can choose a quieter life and seek You over the world. Please show me all that I can discard and help me close doors to the things that take me away from You. Help me choose time with You over time doing things that do not truly matter. Help me pay attention to the family You have given me over distractions that are meaningless. Help me attend to the matters of the spirit, mind, and body over material things. Please lead me in all that I do today. Guide my steps and help me do as You command. Keep my mind on You and help me serve others as You desire. I ask that You put joy in my heart as I serve. Let not my mind give in to complaining but let me have peace and joy. I pray that You quiet the chaos around me and help me find rest and a space to sit in Your presence. Thank You for working out every circumstance perfectly. Thank You for choosing me to know You, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you and AM leading and guiding you, My child, so that My will is done.
Response: Thank You, Almighty God and Father.