The Miracle
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Matthew 14:16-18
“Jesus said, They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat.”
“They said to Him, We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish.”
“He said, Bring them here to Me.”
As I read about the five loaves and two fish again this morning, I saw something new.
The disciples couldn’t imagine how the Lord was going to feed everyone with the little they had.
They had no idea what could happen with Jesus’ blessing.
They responded with, how can we feed them?
There isn’t enough.
They must have wondered how He could ask this of them.
They must have thought there was no way.
As much as they loved Jesus, they just didn’t see how they could do as He asked.
I feel the same way at times.
I hear His still small voice telling me to do something.
I don’t see how it’s possible.
But He has a way.
He knows the miracle He’s holding in His hands to make it possible.
He will bless the little that I have and make it more than enough.
Jesus blessed the five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand people not even counting women and children.
There were 12 baskets full of leftovers.
Jesus’ blessing caused abundance.
An abundance to feed His people.
Just as He performed miracle after miracle for those people, He has a miracle for me and for you.
He simply asks me to bring my lack to Him.
He will bless my lack and make it more than enough.
More than enough for what I need with ample left over to help others.
Today I choose to believe the Lord is blessing my lack and making it more than enough, so it abundantly spills over into other’s lives as well.
May you find the Lord is standing by to bless what you have so there is more than enough for you and for others whom you can bless as well.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me You are the God of blessings. You are the God of miracles. You, Lord, bless my lack and make it sufficient and more than enough for me so there is enough to bless others as well. Thank You, Father, for Your Word which blesses me beyond measure. Just when fear creeps in You show me how great and Almighty You are. Just when my strength runs low You remind me how powerful You are. Help me completely rely on You. Help me give all my worries and anxiety to You, Father. Thank You for taking care of my every need. Thank You for Your watchful eye over me. Keep my eyes on You as this world turns dark. Keep my eyes on You as I climb the mountains of life ahead of me. Thank You for taking care of the children You have given me. May You continue to bless each one and bring them close to You. May their hearts love You as I love You, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM sufficient for you and I will take care of you and your household.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and loving Father.