The Lord Takes Pleasure in His People
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Psalm 147:11
“The Lord takes pleasure in those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy and loving-kindness.”
Psalm 149:4
“For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation and adorn the wretched with victory.”
These two verses capture a piece of God’s essence.
He loves us.
He takes pleasure in us.
He has mercy upon us.
As we come to know more about God and His love, we are able to worship Him more fully.
When I was younger, I didn’t completely understand worship.
But as I grew older and my spirit became more in tune with God’s spirit, I was able to worship Him more fully.
I am now so grateful to be able to worship Him and all that He is and does.
Admittedly, I still do not fully understand His ways.
I do not fully understand the depth and breadth of God’s love.
But as much as I do understand Him and His ways, I am in awe of Him.
So, I hope in Him.
Our first verse says that the Lord takes pleasure in that.
Our second verse not only says He takes pleasure in His people but that He will make us beautiful in salvation.
Only He can make me beautiful.
As a flawed human being, the Lord purifies me and makes me beautiful.
And then He can look upon me as pure and beautiful.
There is no one on this planet who can look upon me as He does.
I am so grateful that the Lord makes me what He wants me to be because I am unable to help myself be anything but flawed and broken.
The Lord had a plan all along to make us His and bring us into His glory.
Today I choose to humble myself as I bow down at the Lord’s feet and be grateful that He makes me beautiful with His salvation.
May you find that the Lord beautifies you with salvation and adorns you with victory as He takes pleasure in you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for making a way for me to be pure and beautiful in Your eyes. Thank You for loving me more than I can fully comprehend. Thank You for loving me even when I don’t deserve to be loved. You have made me, Father, and I ask You to mold me into the person You intended me to be. Soften my heart as I sit at Your feet. May Your will be mine, Lord. May Your desires be my desires. Help me see with Your eyes so that I may be of service to You. Help me serve Your people and put joy in my heart as I serve. May Your Holy Spirit completely fill my spirit with Your love because I desire to love as You love. Help me be kind even when I do not want to be kind. Take over my feelings and emotions so that my actions are soft and tender to those around me. Set a guard upon my mouth so I speak words of encouragement instead of words that hurt. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: You are beautiful in My sight, My child, and My Spirit is within you.
Response: Thank You, most gracious God and Father.