They Lost Understanding
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Daily Word:
Mark 6:52
“For they failed to consider or understand [the teaching and meaning of the miracle of] the loaves; [in fact] their hearts had grown callous [had become dull and had lost the power of understanding].”
Jesus had just fed the five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish.
Miracle after miracle was before the disciples’ eyes.
And, yet, our passage says that their hearts had become hard.
Because of their hard hearts they had lost their understanding of the Power of Jesus and Almighty God.
Our passage tells us that they didn’t fully understand the feeding of the five thousand people with the bread and fish.
It had been late in the day.
I’m sure they were tired.
I’m sure they were done serving the people.
The disciples told the Lord to send the people away so they could go buy themselves dinner.
They had no idea that Jesus would have the kind of mercy only He can have for people and want to take care of their needs.
The way they were experiencing this situation would probably have been like a parent telling the kids they had to work until late into the evening.
The kids wouldn’t likely want to help.
And the disciples were no different.
They didn’t have feelings for the hungry people.
They had no real connection to them.
They didn’t love them.
But Jesus did.
He loved them.
They were His children.
He came to serve them, and His job wasn’t done yet.
Verse thirty-four says, “He was moved with compassion for them”.
The disciples failed to see the miracle that was before them.
Our verse says it was because their hearts were hard.
I pray that God keeps my heart soft so that I can see the needs of others and so that I can see His miracles.
I do not want to miss one miracle that the Lord performs.
He is still the God of miracles.
Today I choose to look for others needs before my own and quickly meet those needs as the Lord strengthens me and provides.
May you find that helping others keeps your heart open to see God’s miracles as He comes to meet the needs of all His people.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me Your immense compassion for Your people. Thank You for showing me that You are always seeking to meet our needs. Help me see You working and let me not miss one miracle that You do in my presence. I love watching You work, Lord. I pray that You keep my heart soft toward You, Father. Keep me seeing Your Almighty Power and Your merciful hand over my life and the lives of all Your people. May You strengthen me to do Your work. Help me not be faint or weak in helping others. Help me do all that You have for me to do. May Your Holy Spirit fill me with Your love. Only You can fill me with love that will spill out to others. Keep my eyes on You even amongst the chaos that surrounds me, Father. Keep me centered in Your love. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM and am watching over you and all My people.
Response: I praise Your Name, Almighty God and Father!