To Have His Courage
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John 18:4
“Then Jesus, knowing all that was about to befall Him, went out to them and said, Whom are you seeking? [Whom do you want?]”
Guards, soldiers, high priests and Pharisees approached Jesus at night with their torches and lanterns.
I thought about how I would have acted if it had been me in that situation.
I would have been frightened.
I would have hidden from sight and then run to safety.
I would not have wanted to be caught and sentenced to a most certain death.
But Jesus did not do that.
Instead of hiding and running our text says He “went out to them”.
He walked out to them.
To a mob of people with swords and torches.
He walked toward His death on the cross.
He also managed to negotiate to save His disciples and the men who were with Him.
He told the mob to take Him and let the others go.
He was saving others before His death even as He would save them with His death.
I find myself wishing I had His courage and strength.
I wish I had His Wisdom and compassion.
His love for all people.
And as I wish for it, I hear the Lord gently whisper it is mine because He is with me.
He is with me in my trials.
He is with me as I face angry people.
He is with me through every storm and every life changing moment of my existence here on earth.
I am grateful for His closeness during these difficult times.
I am grateful for His promises and gentle whispers.
Today I choose to put on the courage and strength of Jesus and walk into my destiny as He walked toward His.
May you find an extra measure of courage and strength as Jesus had when He walked towards the enemies who sought His life instead of away from them.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me what courage looks like as I read Your Word. Thank You for sending Your Son to this earth to show us how to face the difficulties in our life with strength and courage. Help me follow You, Lord. Help me be obedient to You in every way. Strengthen me to be obedient to You even in the face of danger. You will protect me and keep me Yours. You will lift me up when I cannot stand. You will provide me with all I need to overcome every difficulty I face. I praise You, Lord. I praise Your holy Name. You, and only You, are my Source, my Strength, my Peace, and my Guide. Lead and guide me to You, Father. Keep me Yours forever. May You shower me in mercy and grace for this day. Help me bless someone today. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you, My child, and will strengthen you and give you the courage you need to live into your destiny.
Response: Thank You, Almighty God and Father.