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Luke 23:42-43
“Then he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when You come in Your kingly glory!”
“And He answered him, Truly I tell you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
Of course, this was the interchange between Jesus and one of the men who was being crucified alongside of Him.
We don’t know much about this man.
The Bible tells us he was a criminal.
He led a life that was unjust and was paying the price for his actions.
And, yet, he knew the Power of the Almighty.
He reprimanded the other criminal for talking to Jesus in a less than reverent way.
In this discourse he said, “Do you not even fear God?”
The last words that are recorded of this man are, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingly glory!”
I love Jesus’ reply, “Truly I tell you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
Jesus could have ignored the man.
But He didn’t.
After all, He was suffering terribly.
He could have told him that he hadn’t lived a just and pure life.
But He didn’t.
He could have told him that it was too late.
But He didn’t.
He even could have told him to repent for all things he done.
But he didn’t.
Jesus knew his heart.
He could see that this man had reverence for God and Him.
He not only offered this man eternal life, but Jesus assured him that he would have it TODAY.
This was an act of pure love.
The Lord loved this man as they were both dying.
He loves us too.
He loves us beyond our imaginations.
That’s what these verses meant to me today as I read them.
What a gracious and loving God we serve.
If I were up on that cross, I would have nothing but me on my mind.
Usually when I suffer, I am the one I can think about.
And, it’s all I think about.
But the Lord is always loving us.
He loved us on His worst day and His worst moment.
Today I am thankful that I serve a loving and merciful God.
May you find that the Lord loves you beyond measure and pours out His mercy to every single day.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for loving me beyond all my comprehension. Thank You for loving me wholly and perfectly. You don’t ask me to be someone else or do something else in order to love me. Thank You, most gracious and merciful Lord. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for me so that You can look upon me as perfect and beautiful. Thank You for allowing me to make mistakes that are quickly and completely forgiven and forgotten. Thank You for seeing the best in me, always. Help me to continue to grow in all ways, Lord. Help me love as You love, Father. Help me love Your people. You have made each and every one of us, and have a purpose for each of us as well. We are so fragile as human beings, Lord. We break easily and hurt one another. I ask for strength today and a growing wisdom with each new day so that I can withstand the enemies’ advances and keep my eyes on You. Help me love when love seems impossible. Make me merciful, Lord, as You are merciful. Help me give grace when I’d rather condemn. Make me like You, Lord. Help me bless someone this day, Lord. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I love you My child, and I will continue to lead you to Me and help you love more deeply and be merciful and gracious toward others.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and merciful Father and God.