Walk in Peace
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Walk-in-Peace-eqeo30
Luke 8:48
“And He said to her, Daughter, your faith (your confidence and trust in Me) has made you well! Go (enter) into peace (untroubled, undisturbed well-being).”
In these times of, dare I say, mass chaos, I seek peace.
So, as I read this verse today, it had to be the verse I would write about.
Jesus was healing masses of people.
In fact, He was on His way to bring a child back to life.
The crowds surrounded Him when the sick woman touched His garment and was instantly healed.
Jesus didn’t touch her.
He didn’t reach out and intentionally heal her.
She reached out to Him.
She believed that simply touching the fringe on His clothes would heal her.
Her belief and her faith led her to action.
It led her to push through the crowd and reach for the Messiah.
Reach for the healing she had spent her whole life savings on and not yet received.
We know the story well.
There was something new that I saw today in reading this passage.
Jesus called her daughter.
He referred to her as His daughter just like a parent would refer to their children as daughters or sons.
Our story says she is an older woman who had suffered for years.
And yet, Jesus, much younger than she, called her daughter.
We are all God’s children and are somehow more precious than our children are to us.
We have extraordinarily special relationships with our children.
Once born, the world ceases to exist as we knew it.
Our children come first.
We want the best for them.
And when they want something – really, really want something – we do everything in our power to get it for them.
This woman in our story desired health.
As a child of God, He would want that for her too.
And He had the power to grant it.
Jesus said the woman’s faith healed her.
It was really Jesus’ power that healed her.
The woman’s faith simply called forth this healing power.
Not only was she healed, but Jesus also sent her away with peace.
He said, “Go (enter) into peace (untroubled, undisturbed well-being)”.
This woman had been tormented by her disease for years.
He now gave her this precious gift.
One that would change her life and last forever.
Yes, she was given the gift of health.
But she was also given peace.
He told her to walk into it.
She had to do her part to walk in peace just as she had to do her part to receive healing.
Jesus died to give us peace.
We must, however, walk in it.
We must desire it.
We must seek it.
And then receive it.
There are plenty of distractions, chaotic situations, disappointments, and frustrations to keep us from walking in peace.
But if we are intentional about living in peace, we will have it.
Today I choose peace over chaos.
May you find the Lord is granting you peace this day and every day.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, My God, thank You for showing me that I am truly Your child and You desire the best for me. Thank You for showing me You have the ability to heal. You heal broken hearts, broken bodies, and broken spirits. May I sit in Your presence and experience all the healing You desire me to have. Thank You, Father, for making a way for me to come to You and sit in Your presence so You can fill me with Your Holy Spirit and heal all that is broken. Thank You for reminding me that You sent Your Son to give me peace. As I seek You, I live in peace. May I walk in Your peace this day and every day. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the God of peace and offer My peace to you, My child.
Response: Thank You for offering me peace, comfort, and mercy Almighty and gracious God and Father.