We are the Work of His Hands
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/We-are-the-Work-of-His-Hands-epnahk
Luke 1:13-15
“But the angel said to him, Do not be afraid, Zachariah, because your petition was heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you must call his name John [God is favorable].”
“And you shall have joy and exultant delight, and many will rejoice over his birth.”
“For he will be great and distinguished in the sight of the Lord.”
John the Baptist.
The one who would precede Jesus.
The one who would prepare the people for Jesus.
He had such an amazing role to play in readying the flock for the Savior.
His parents were part of this plan as they were visited by an angel and told of his destiny.
How beautiful it was to see God work this miracle out before them.
But as I read our passage today, I thought about the end of the story.
He would have been in his early thirties when he was jailed and eventually killed.
Beheaded in jail.
Unjustly killed because of a young girl who was fancied by the king.
A young girl given anything she wanted, and she chose the head of John the Baptist.
No trial.
No jury.
No judge.
Just a young girl asking for his head.
Asking for his death.
Seems like such an injustice.
But somehow it wasn’t.
The plan for his life had been fulfilled.
It was done.
Our verse says John the Baptist was great in God’s sight.
He was held in high esteem by the Lord.
He was held in high esteem but not the kind we would value today, I’m afraid.
He didn’t have riches.
He wasn’t popular by human standards.
He spent a fair amount of time alone in the desert.
He lived a very humble life.
But the Lord considered him to be great.
I am convicted that we do need not pursue worldly things to give us the feeling that we are good enough.
The Lord looks at us differently than the world looks at us.
In the Lord’s eyes we are beautiful.
In the Lord’s eyes we are lovely.
We are the work of His hands and He adores us.
We have the only real approval we need in the Lord.
Today I choose to sit in the presence of the Lord and allow Him to show me the beauty He has created in me.
May you rejoice in knowing the Lord loves you and adores you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me You adore me. Thank You for reminding me I need not chase after the approval of others. You created me and made me for Your purpose. You created me to worship You. Help me worship You, Lord. Help me worship You in all things and through all things. You are great! You are greatly to be praised! Thank You, Father, for making me exactly as You determined to make me. Help me see the beauty in Your creation. Help me see me as You see me. May I sit in Your presence for a few precious moments today and bask in the glory of Your love. May you fill my spirit with Your overflowing love so I may love others. Help me offer grace and mercy as You do. Help me forgive as easily and completely as You do. Make me lovely, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I made you My child and you are perfect in My sight.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and loving Father.