Why Did You Doubt?
Daily Word:
Matthew 15:29-31
“He said Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.”
“But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]!”
“Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught him and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
I see something new every time I read this passage.
Peter had just told Jesus – actually, the Bible says he commanded Jesus - to allow him to walk on the water.
But as he felt the strong wind against him, he became afraid.
And he started to sink.
He was swayed by the strong wind.
His fear caused him to lose sight of the possibility of walking to Jesus on the water.
Whenever we step out in faith, the enemy wants to stop us.
His biggest tool is fear.
Peter could not withstand the fear even in the presence of Jesus.
So how can we be expected to stand up to fear?
Well, we have the Word with the teaching of Jesus.
After reading these verses, we begin to understand the effect that fear has on the outcome.
This understanding can help us better control our emotions and ultimately the situation.
Jesus said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?
Truly, doubt and fear have a diminishing effect on the miraculous.
Sometimes we can overcome the obstacles ahead of us.
And then other times we let doubt and fear interfere and stop us.
Our verses today show me that when we push forward into God’s will we have to fight for it.
We have to believe even when it looks impossible.
God asks us to trust Him.
As we start obeying His commands, He shows Himself faithful.
Our faith increases.
Just as one brick is placed upon another until the house is built, our faith is built one brick at a time.
So, what happens when we fail?
Something beautiful.
The scripture says, “Instantly Jesus reached out to His hand and caught and held him.”
Even when we fall short, Jesus is there to pick us up and hold us.
We win either way.
There is no retribution.
There is no condemnation.
Just a merciful God Who reaches for us, catches us, and holds us.
Today I choose to believe that God is with me as I step into His perfect plan for my life and I expect to experience miracle after miracle.
May you find as You rely on Him that your He shows Himself faithful to you as you witness the miraculous.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for Your Word. Thank You for continuing to show me more of Your ways. I love to uncover the wise nuggets in Your scriptures. I also love the way You love me. You show me possibility. Then You call me to You as You miraculously make a way. Thank You, Almighty God. I praise Your Name. You are greatly to be praised! Help me obey Your commands. Increase my faith so that I do not doubt and sink as Peter did when he walked on the water. Strengthen me in every way so that I may be fully used by You. Ready me for Your service, Lord. Keep my eyes on You even when this world turns dark. Keep my eyes focused on Your beauty. Help me worship You all the days of this life and in heaven. Thank You, Lord, for making a place ready for me. I long to worship at Your feet. May I sit in Your presence right here today, Lord. May I hear Your gentle whispers. May I feel Your perfect peace. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you, My child, and will fill You with My Holy Spirit to strengthen you in every way.
Response: Undeserving of Your every glance and presence in my life, thank You, most gracious God and Father.