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Daily Word:
Luke 8:8 and 15
“And some seed fell into good soil, and grew up and yielded a crop a hundred times [as great]. As He said these things, He called out, He who has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him consider and understand by hearing!”
“But as for that [seed] in the good soil, these are [the people] who, hearing the Word, hold it fast in a just (noble, virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience.”
The parable of the sower and the seed shows us some interesting truths.
As I read it this morning, I was struck by the last number words, “steadily bring forth fruit with patience”.
We live in such a fast-paced society.
We tend to want things quickly.
We are trained for it in all of our modern conveniences.
I am so prone to this because fast is just part of my personality.
It is part of my winning formula.
I try and get as many things as possible done as I can in the shortest amount of time.
I often find myself tripping through the day.
In fact, I was just thinking about this this morning.
I was reminding myself that Jesus didn’t run His race with a fast-paced stride.
He wasn’t running all around like I do.
He was peaceful.
He was methodical.
He kept going day after day but wasn’t in a race.
The Man Who truly was a super-hero saving the world in just three days, wasn’t running around as busy and crazy as I am.
And then I find these simple few words in my reading this morning, “steadily bring forth fruit with patience.”
I must intentionally put on patience.
I must ask the Lord to help me slow down and not demand perfection instantly.
He continues to work on me, my personality, and my life purpose.
While I think I should already be doing what He has put on my heart to do, I know that His timing is perfect.
I need to wait upon Him.
And I need to allow Him to change me and help me become who He wants me to be.
As He works on me there is more fruit.
I am truly blessed by His leading and guidance.
Today I choose to put on patience and know that in good time there will be more fruit as He has determined there to be.
May you find that God is working on you and working things out in your life so that you may bear fruit in the right season for His purpose.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that I must be patient as You change my heart and mind. You are working out all things for my good and for Your purpose. Help me be thankful for the fruit that is already present in my life and wait expectantly for more fruit as the right season approaches. Thank You, Father, for choosing me to know You. Thank You for choosing me to be Yours. May You continually work in me so that I draw closer and closer to perfection as You have planned. Help me be obedient to Your calling as You show me more about what has to change in me and my life. Help me be quick to change and grow in Your direction. Help me also not carry shame as You show me my faults and weaknesses. Help me give up all that I need to in order to do Your will. Forgive me for my shortcomings and my sins. Keep me looking to You to be better in all ways, Lord. Keep me at Your feet. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM working in you and your life to fulfill My purpose for you, My child.
Response: Help me do all that You ask, Father.