You Make Me Strong, Lord
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Matthew 26:45
“Then He returned to the disciples and said to them, Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of especially wicked sinners [whose way or nature it is to act in opposition to God].”
Jesus was given to people who were in opposition to the Lord.
Handed over to sinners.
The Messiah, Who, would take away the sins of the multitudes still had to face the bad guys.
They were given short-term power to overpower Him in order to fulfill God’s will.
This passage made me consider something different than I’d seen before.
Sometimes I have the feeling, why me Lord?
Why did this thing happen to me?
Jesus was not spared from the wrath of sinners.
And we will not be spared either during this thing called life.
Of course, we know Jesus’ purpose was to be slain to save all of us.
But maybe our suffering serves a purpose too.
Jesus gave us some actionable steps we can take before the wrath comes our way.
First, He took His disciples to a quiet place.
Then, He took His best three men to pray with Him.
He prayed the Lord would rescue Him.
Ultimately, He prayed God’s will be done even if it meant His demise.
Lastly, He checked on His three prayer partners multiple times and told them to pray against temptation.
We can use this information to direct us in our own lives.
We need to stay prayed up.
We need to pray in the peaceful times, so we have the strength to withstand the trials when they come.
We need to ask our best circle of prayer warriors to pray with us.
Jesus was able to submit to the authority of the evil doers because of His connectedness to the Lord.
If we stay prayed up, we too, can do all the Lord has called us to do even if it requires short-term suffering to accomplish His will.
Today I choose to be in prayer and be strengthen by the Lord, so I can withstand the advances of the enemy.
May you find you are strengthened by God Almighty as you pray and include your strong circle of prayer partners to pray with you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that just as Your Son was subjected to sinners and their evil ways, we will be as well. Thank You for giving us actionable steps to take so we may remain steady and unwavering during times of trial. Help me remember You strengthen me when I sit in Your presence. Help me carve out time to sit in Your presence and worship You every day. Help me bring in a circle of prayer warriors to pray with me in difficult times. Keep me from temptation and guard me from the enemy. Help me remember who I am in You. As the chaos ensues around me, keep me at Your feet and make me strong. You make me strong, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM, and I AM in your midst. The enemy has no hold over you.
Response: Thank You, Almighty and All-Powerful Lord.