A Childlike Faith
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/A-Childlike-Faith-e11e7ho
Mark 10:14 and 16
“But when Jesus saw [it], He was indignant and pained and said to them, Allow the children to come to Me – do not forbid or prevent or hinder them – for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
And He took them [the children up one by one] in His arms and [fervently invoked a] blessing, placing His hands upon them.”
As I read this passage, a question was raised in my spirit.
How do I have or achieve childlike faith?
This question is worth pondering because the reward is great.
Jesus would not let His beloved disciples turn the children away from Him.
If that is the case, He would also certainly not let Satan snatch us out of His hand.
There is a safety here.
Safety in knowing the Lord will keep us His and treasure us.
This passage says He picked each and every child up in His arms.
Oh, to be held by the Prince of Peace.
My heart is warmed by the thought.
Then He fervently invoked a blessing on each one.
I want that too.
So, how do we instill a childlike faith in ourselves to receive such beautiful blessings?
First, children are innocent.
They look at the world through innocent eyes and spirits.
They have done nothing wrong to deserve punishment or feel shame.
Jesus died to not only forgive us from our sins, but to relieve us from the guilt and shame that accompanies sin.
I am convicted because I know I haven’t fully accepted this gift.
What would life be like if we didn’t live in guilt and shame and past hurts and pain?
Second, children are true believers.
They fully believe we love them.
They not only believe it, but they receive it as well.
What if we truly believed God loves us?
And, what if we could fully receive His love?
We would be completely transformed.
I see this in my spirit.
What keeps us from fully receiving His love?
Maybe we don’t take the time to sit in His presence and receive it.
Maybe we can’t really imagine it.
Just pondering these ideas shows me I need to do some work here.
I need to let the Lord do a work on my heart.
I need to ask Him to show me what fully receiving His love looks like.
A different message for today – and one that is not fully complete – but the beginning of a new revelation for me.
Today I choose to lean into a new possibility and new understanding of what childlike faith is and how it can transform my heart and relationship with the Lord.
May you find a new truth today as we ponder thoughts about childlike faith.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for opening up the possibility of a new truth this morning about childlike faith. Thank You for showing my spirit about innocence and how I need to receive the complete forgiveness You offer. Help me move from knowledge to understanding in this area. Help me receive the kind of forgiveness that allows me to forgive myself so I can move into a place of true innocence. The kind of childlike innocence that allows me to see You and all Your beauty with wonder. Help me see You in all Your wonder and beauty like a child, Father. Help me believe in Your love as a child believes in love. Transform my hard heart, Lord. Create a clean heart in me, O God. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I take pleasure in showing your more of Me and My ways My child as I continue to draw you closer to Me.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and merciful Lord.