Alarmed and Terrified
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Daily Word:
Acts 24:25
“But as he continued to argue about uprightness, purity of life (the control of the passions), and the judgment to come, Felix became alarmed and terrified and said, Go away for the present; when I have a convenient opportunity, I will send for you.”
Paul was put in prison for causing a disturbance in Jerusalem.
He actually didn’t cause the disturbance.
He was performing the acts of purification with four other men as was the Jewish custom.
Their seven days of purification were coming to an end when some of their fellow Jewish believers saw Paul and incited a riot.
They accused Paul of telling people to disobey the Mosaic Law.
Without trial or any further investigation into his alleged crime, they pulled him outside the Temple and tried to kill him.
He was saved by some soldiers who arrested Paul in order to keep him safe.
Paul was questioned by a number of people over the next few weeks.
A high priest from Ananias named Felix was even brought in to interrogate Paul.
Felix listened to Paul and seemed to want to continue to listen to him over time – over two years’ time.
Felix kept him in prison for those two years without making a decision on Paul's case.
On one occasion Paul was talking about faith in terms of living a good and pure life.
Felix became terrified and sent Paul away again.
He could only hear bits and pieces of Truth at a time.
This story made me think about how us human beings have difficulty with the Truth.
When I am confronted with a Truth that I do not want to hear, I tend to run.
I take time to process information.
After all, we don’t know what we don’t know.
I roll over this new Truth over and over and measure it against a number of factors.
I think about my life and where I have not lived according to this Truth.
I ask the Lord to show me the validity of it.
Once that is done, I have to process this as sin against the Lord and ask for His forgiveness.
I have to be willing to accept His forgiveness and forgive myself.
Back to our priest, Felix.
It does not appear that he ever came to terms with the truths that Paul shared with him.
Sometimes this happens with us as well.
We run out of time to fully process a new Truth because our lives are busy or our situations or circumstances change.
My experience has been that the Lord will bring it around again.
Just like the Israelites' long trip in the wilderness.
My prayer is that I will look at the new Truths that the Lord shows me and that I will have a soft heart to accept them quickly.
Today I choose to be open to new Truths from Lord and ask Him to change me as I am confronted without running from Him.
May you find that the Lord is able to show you a new Truth and that you will remain open and lean into Him as He gently changes your heart.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me about learning and keeping an open and soft heart toward You. Help me learn more about You, Father. Help me not send You away from me as You teach something difficult. Help me cling to You and seek more knowledge and Wisdom as You show me how to be the person You desire me to be. Interrogate my heart, Lord. Find that places where I am not being wholly Yours. Help me fully surrender to You so that I can give You every broken piece for You to fix. Help me give my failures to You, Lord. Help me praise You for every success. You are the only good and perfect part of me. Break off the pieces that need to be left behind. Keep my eyes on You as I move past the past and move into the future. Help me serve You in every way, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM close to you, My child, and am doing a work in you so that you can serve Me.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and glorious Father.