Convicted by Our Words
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Matthew 12:36-37
“But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.”
“For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.”
Jesus was talking to a crowd of people.
The Pharisees were also present.
He knew their thoughts.
They were judgmental and jealous.
He knew their hearts and their motives which were unclean.
However, as I read this passage, I found myself being convicted of using words that are useless, idle, and negative.
As of late, I have been using language I shouldn’t.
Saying words that condemn rather than build up.
Even to myself about myself.
I know this is wrong because I understand the power of words and the impact they have on our lives.
Our minds go to work to make what we say a reality.
And lately I have sabotaged myself with my own words.
I needed to read this passage today.
The words Jesus spoke so many years ago are so very relevant this day.
Especially during these difficult times where everything seems awry.
My tendency is to be a bit more negative.
Negativity just produces more negativity.
The Lord created the universe with His words.
He created the skies, the seas, the mountains, and all the inhabitants with His words.
Our words are equally as powerful.
Today I choose to change the language I have been using and be vigilant in the words I use to create good and wonderful things.
May you find your words create beauty and wonder instead of destruction and pain.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me about the power of words. Thank You for clearly showing me that I need to change the language I am using to create beauty and peace rather than destruction and chaos. Please set a guard upon my mouth and help me only use words that build up and not tear down. Help me bless others with words and prayer as You desire. Please keep my mind from sabotaging Your best for me, Lord. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I am full of Your love, grace, and mercy. Keep my heart soft toward You and do not let the world alter my love for You and Your Son. Help me bless others as You bless me. May I be in service to You, always, Lord. May Your desires be my desires. Keep my heart, mind, and words consecrated and holy for You. Sanctify my heart, Father. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM keeping you set apart for Me and will sanctify your heart and mind as you seek Me.
Response: Keep me Yours, Lord, and sanctify me for Your use.