Do Not Fear
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Luke 12:7
“But [even] the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not be struck with fear or seized with alarm; you are of greater worth than many [flocks] of sparrows.”
As the days of unrest continue, this verse soothed my soul.
Jesus was talking to the multitudes.
Our passage says that thousands of people had gathered around Him.
In fact, there were so many people trying to get to see Jesus that they were trampling on one another.
He was giving them some of His best counsel.
Our verse today is so beautifully stated by the Messiah, our Lord.
Who can possibly imagine that the Lord knows how many hairs we have on our head?
It is almost unfathomable.
But He knows everything about us.
He crafted us.
He carefully and lovingly made us.
So, He knows everything about us – more than we know about ourselves.
He watches over us and cares for us as any parent cares for a child.
Although He has a greater love for us than we can imagine, I can still think about how He must take notice of us in ways that I do understand.
Our verse shows us that He is most diligent in His care for us.
If He knows the numbers of hairs on our head, He knows far more about the intricacies of our bodies, minds, and spirits.
He knows our fears.
He knows our burdens.
He knows our pain.
He knows our dreams.
He knows our innermost longings because He put them there.
He knows how we think and what we think about.
While it is difficult to remain at peace in these difficult times, that is our calling.
Jesus tells us to “not be struck with fear or seized with alarm”.
He doesn’t leave room for interpretation in this passage.
He is clear that the Lord is taking particular care of each of us and that we need not live in fear and be alarmed.
I will heed His words and focus on God’s care for me no matter what is going on around me.
Today I choose to believe that the Lord is watching over me with great care and I can be at peace under the shadow of His wings.
May you find that as you reflect on God’s constant watch over you that you will be at peace and not allow yourself to live in fear.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for watching over and caring for me and the family You have given to me. Your Word tells me that You know the number of hairs on my head which reveals Your diligent watch over me. Thank You, Father, for the encouragement Your Word gives to me in these days of unrest. Help me maintain peace in You no matter the circumstances around me. Keep me calm and resting in the assurance of You and Your Almighty care. May Your peace be upon me. May You keep my eyes on You and Your Son today. Keep me connected to You as I move through this day. Help me enjoy the simple joys of this world. Don’t let me miss the beauty that surrounds me in Your magnificent sunrises and sunsets. Open my eyes so that I may see the spectacular mountains against the blue sky and trees that wave to me in the wind. Help me notice Your life and breath everywhere I go. Help me be a beacon of peace for others, Father. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I treasure you and all of My creation, My child, and I AM watching over all.
Response: Thank You, Almighty and Magnificent God.