Life is Not About Possessions
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Luke 12:15
“And He said to them, Guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness (the immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have more); for a man’s life does not consist in and is not derived from possessing overflowing abundance or that which is over and above his needs.”
Jesus was talking to thousands of people as we read His words here.
I find it interesting that even two thousand years ago there was a desire to acquire riches.
They didn’t have the modern conveniences of today.
It seems that in the world we live in today there is a plethora of things that are available for purchase.
There are so many things that we cannot possibly purchase them all.
But back then?
What is it that the people would have wanted to buy that would consume their time, energy, and thoughts in accumulating?
It seems there has always been a desire to accumulate more than we need as Jesus’ words speak to in our verse today.
One of the messages I see in this verse is that real living isn’t about wanting and having more just for the sake of having it.
There is so much more to life than the accumulation of things.
When I set my mind on the things of this world there is little time for anything else.
I set God aside while I work on various projects.
I set God aside to clean and take care of the things I have accumulated.
In most recent years, I have been turning my attention from things to God.
I seek to simplify my life.
Simplify my surroundings.
Simplify my tasks.
Uncomplicate the world in which in I live day to day.
Our verse today also spoke to me as our family faces more long furloughs.
I am reminded that the things of this world are of little real importance and I can rely on the Lord to provide even in times of lack.
I need not be afraid of the days ahead but rely on Him to take care of our needs.
He can temper my desire for more things of this world, new things of this world, and better things of this world as I watch Him provide for the NOW things.
Today I choose to look to the Lord to supply all that I need and thank Him for every blessing He chooses to bless me with.
May you find that the Lord will supply all of your needs and that He will truly bless you with the desires of your heart along the way.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for providing me with all that I need and with so many things I desire. Thank You for showing me that the desire to have more than I need is not Your way or purpose for me. You have always been so gracious in Your provision for me and the family You have given me, and my hope continues to rest in You. Thank You for all that do for us and all Who You show us You are. You are the God of Might and Power. You are the God of Miracles and Blessings. You are the God of Grace and Mercy. And You are the God of Love. You are the God of this universe and God of my heart. Thank You for choosing me to know You and worship You, Father. Thank You for every special moment with You that You offer me. Thank You for allowing me to sit at Your feet and be covered in Your peace. Help me stay in peace today no matter what the circumstances are around me are. Help me be grateful for all that You do for me. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: You are My child, and I will always take care of you and bless you.
Response: Thank You, most gracious God and King.