Even In Our Weakness
You can also listen to the meditation and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/Even-in-Our-Weakness-ecfg79
Daily Word:
Mark 15:72
“And at once for the second time the cock crowed. And Peter remembered how Jesus said to him, Before a cock crows twice, you will utterly deny Me [disclaiming all connection with Me] three times. And having put his thought upon it [and remembering], he broke down and wept aloud and lamented.”
I am thankful that my reading this holy week takes me to the exact week of Jesus’ last week on this earth and His journey to the cross.
As I read this chapter this morning, I was struck with all the events that took place.
All the scripture that was fulfilled.
Jesus had His Last Supper with His disciples.
He spoke and brought the new covenant to them.
It would be the last time He would spend time with them all together.
He told them that He would be taken to the cross soon.
His disciples said they would follow Him even unto death.
However, He knew they would all desert Him that night.
Of course, we know that He told Peter he would deny Him three times.
We know the story well.
And yet, Matthew 16:18 says, “And I tell you, you are Peter [Greet, Petros – a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, petra – a huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it.”
I get chills when I read this verse.
Jesus is prophesying how the whole church will be built upon a rock as He exits the world.
He knows that Peter will be the rock.
He will usher in the Christian church – the church that we are now a part of.
How amazing that Jesus could rely on a traitor to build His church.
Reading about Peter and his ultimate denial of Jesus, I ponder how he must have felt during this time.
He must have been so very fearful as he watched His Lord being interrogated, beaten, and taken to the cross.
His heart must have been breaking.
To watch His beloved King being tormented and tortured to death as crucifixion is an extremely painful and long process.
He must have been horrified.
Still, he would be the rock that the church would be built upon.
Jesus knew this.
In Peter’s weakness, he renounced Jesus as a friend and as His Lord.
Jesus knows our every weakness.
He also knows how we will be used by Him in the future.
He knows His plans for us, and they are good.
He knows whose lives we will touch for His purposes.
He loves us through our faults and failures.
He gave His life so that we can be victorious in the end.
Our stories have been written by the Great I AM.
Today I choose to be thankful for the story that God has written about me and ask that He help me fulfill His plan for me in every way.
May you find that God has written a beautiful story for you and that His plans for you are magnificent.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me that You have written my story. You already know my faults and weaknesses and love me through them. Your plans for me are beautiful, and I need only to step into Your will to experience Your goodness. Help me sit in Your presence this morning, Father. Help me be restored and refreshed by You this day. Fill me with Your love and Your Holy Spirit so that I may be used by You, Lord. Thank You for showing me that my imperfections cannot keep me from Your glorious plan. Help me be obedient to You in every way, Father. Help me hear every whisper and follow You. May You lead and guide my every step today. Set a guard upon my mouth so that I only speak life to those around me. Help me build up their spirits and minds and not tear down. May Your peace be upon me and this household, Father. Keep us looking to You and seeking Your will. May we bend to You in every way. Thank You for watching over us and protecting us, Lord. Put Your compassion into our hearts so that we become Your servants. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you and your household this day and every day, and am watching over and protecting you, My child.
Response: Thank You most glorious and gracious God.