God is Good
You can also listen to the devotion at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/God-is-Good-e105ig0
Matthew 20:14-15
“Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this man hired last the same as I give to you.”
“Am I not permitted to do what I choose with what is mine? [Or do you begrudge my being generous?] Is your eye evil because I am good?”
Jesus was telling a parable about the kingdom of heaven.
His story starts with hiring people early in the morning to work in the fields.
All throughout the day more were hired, even until the last hour of the day.
They stood in line to receive their wages, and to the dismay of those who worked the longest, all of them received the same wage.
You can imagine the ones who worked from morning until night were upset.
They thought a great injustice was being done to them.
However, the owner of the estate told the workers he was a generous man.
It was his money, and he could do with it as he chose.
He chose to be generous.
Did the workers have a just claim?
Were they right in feeling slighted that the man who worked for just an hour deserved the same monetary reward?
Maybe, if we think in earthly ways.
But our God is a heavenly God.
His ways are not our ways.
I felt convicted as I read our verses today because I have felt slighted many times.
I have wanted to be acknowledged as others have been.
I suppose I was looking for praise and honor.
However, I now know the only honor I need is from God.
To be seen as worthy in His eyes.
His love and eternity with Him are the grand prizes.
If we consider the true meaning of the parable, Jesus was trying to show us the generosity of God.
For example, there may be some who gave their lives to serving the Lord.
Those who came to know Him at an early age and were led and guided by Him their entire lives.
They are deserving of the eternity with the Lord.
There are also some who come to find the Lord in their last breath.
They too, are deserving of eternity with the Lord.
It may seem like the ones who served the Lord with their whole lives deserved more.
And in fact, they did receive more.
They lived their whole life on earth in God’s presence and in His power.
God is good.
God is generous.
Today I am thankful for God’s love and cherish His love above any honor this earth has to offer.
May you find that God’s love is the love worth seeking and having for all eternity.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me You are a generous God. Thank You for reminding me You are good all the time. Thank You for convicting me of my short comings and short sightedness. Forgive me, Lord. Your generosity goes far beyond what my mind can conceive. Help me not begrudge Your generosity to another. Help me, instead, be thankful for all you do for me. Thank You for watching over me and the family You have given me. Thank You for protecting us and providing for us. Thank You for caring for us in every way. You are the God of the universe and God of my heart. I love You, Father. And I love how You love me. Keep me seeking You. Keep me Yours. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you My child and you will be Mine for all eternity.
Response: Undeservedly Yours, Lord, thank You most gracious and merciful God.