Service is Greater Than Honor
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Matthew 20:28
“Just as the Son of Man came not to be waited on but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many [the price paid to set them free].”
Jesus’s time on earth was waning.
He was telling His disciples He would soon be arrested, beaten, and crucified.
Even though they may have not fully understood what was going to happen, they did understand that things were about to change.
James’ and John’s mother wanted to set things up for her sons.
She asked if they could be granted seats right next to Jesus in heaven.
She wanted seats of honor for her children.
I desire honor for my children as well.
Not seats next to Jesus, but honor in their world as they know it.
I saw myself as the mother of this story.
I saw myself wanting the best for my children.
This isn’t inherently wrong, but the constant state of desiring honor from anyone but the Lord leads to a path of destruction.
So, instead of desiring honor Jesus said, “whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant.”
He told them service was honorable.
He came to serve.
The King of Kings did not come to this earth to live a life of luxury and lord over people.
He truly came to serve.
To be given up as the final sacrifice.
To be the lamb Who was slaughtered for many.
A King giving His life for His people.
Reading about Jesus changes my perspective every day.
The Word changes my heart.
Redirects my thoughts.
I get too puffed up if I do not stay significantly connected to God.
I become worldly.
I start focusing on the unimportant instead of the important.
My heart becomes hard.
My focus becomes limited.
I see things and make it all about me.
Then discouragement sets in.
But when I look to the Lord, I find peace, contentment, compassion, and love.
He makes me whole.
He sees my soul and it makes me want to do better and be better for Him, because I am a reflection of His Spirit.
Today I choose to serve rather than be served and give my service unto the Lord.
May you find that as you serve, you are blessed and filled to the brim with God’s Holy Spirit.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me service is greater than honor. Thank You for sending Your Son to this earth to serve all Your people. Thank You for allowing Him to be the final sacrifice for all of us. Help me serve You, Lord. Put Your joy in my heart as I serve others. Help me seek to help and love Your people. Help me give freely out of an abundant heart. Fill my heart with Your love, Father. May Your Holy Spirit find His way into my heart today and fill my spirit to the brim. Strengthen me so I can do Your will. Help me be obedient to You and all You ask me to do. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM Your God, and My joy will be in you as you serve My people.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and merciful Lord.