God Speaks to My Heart
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/God-Speaks-to-My-Heart-e145jr6
Psalm 5:3
“In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].”
This verse changed my life.
When I really saw what was written here, I wondered if God would speak to me the way He spoke to David.
I mean David was a pretty big guy to God.
David was used in mighty ways and seemed to have a direct line to God.
He certainly was covered in God’s favor and was blessed many times over by the Lord.
So, the question I had was, could or would the Lord meet with me every morning and speak to my heart?
I tested it out about ten years ago.
I found the Lord waiting for me every time I sat down to write to Him.
My routine started with reading the Word.
In my reading, my heart was stirred.
Different words and verses would stand out to me.
I began journaling those words and verses.
And then I wrote my prayer.
My routine is much the same today.
God was and still is so present during this quiet time.
While I do not have every answer to every question on my heart, I do see something new every day.
He teaches me something new with every reading.
And as I write a prayer about this new insight, the Lord speaks to my heart.
He assures me His Word is true for me just as it was true for His people in past days.
He assures me of His love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, peace, and favor.
He shows me more about all these things.
I have learned more of His love and now feel it so much more deeply than I had felt it in the past.
As such, I fall more in love with Him every day.
So yes, this verse changed my life many years ago.
Today I choose to write a prayer as I do every day and move one step closer to the Lord as I listen to Him speak to my heart.
May you find the Lord in a significant way this day and every day.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me more of You every day. Thank You for speaking to my heart as I write to You and ponder Your Word. Thank You for teaching me more of Your ways. Thank You for showing me Your magnificent love. A love that goes far beyond my understanding. You bathe me in Your love. You lift me up into Your presence with Your love. You allow me to sit with You and be made whole as this world tries to tear me apart. You heal my body, mind, and spirit. Thank You, Father, for seeing me as perfect, whole, and complete. Thank You for seeing me as no one on this earth can see me for You created me to be Yours. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: You are My creation My child and I will always love you.
Response: Undeservedly loved by You, Lord, thank You most gracious and merciful Father.