Grace Through Jesus
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Daily Word:
John 1:17
“For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
As a young child I was taught Jesus died for my sins.
We sang songs about Him.
We gathered around the table at Sunday School and learned about Him.
But I didn’t really understand the full impact of His death and what it has meant for me until my later years.
Every time I see a passage like our scripture today, I am almost overcome.
I am so grateful that Jesus accepted His task.
I am so thankful that He was willing to leave heaven’s door and come to this earth.
He showed us how to live.
He gave us untold wisdom through His life that was transcribed in the four short gospels by four men.
He made it possible for me to be in direct communication with God, Almighty.
There are so many people here on earth that I have no access to that I would love to be able to talk to, get advice from, learn from, and simply just be in their presence.
I am unable.
But our Lord, Jesus Christ, made it possible for me to be in relationship with the Creator of this universe.
I can sit in His presence and be restored daily.
I can worship Him quietly and alone in my home or in public with the masses.
He looks upon me graciously.
I do not deserve His attention, but He gives it to me.
In fact, He desires relationship with me.
How is that possible?
How is it possible that the Creator of the oceans, rivers, mountains, plains, skies, heavens, and all that I can possibly comprehend desires relationship with me?
He is my Creator and my Redeemer all in one.
This is possible because Jesus willingly left heaven’s door to walk upon this earth and ultimately give His life to save me from myself – save me from my sins.
He gave His human life as a sacrifice so that I could be made perfect in God’s eyes.
The God of this universe sees me as perfect.
Nothing I do or don’t do can make that possible.
Only God can make that possible.
And He did that through the sacrifice of His Son.
So, reading this verse today reminds me of just how much I am thankful that Jesus came to this earth to be the One Sacrificial Lamb for us all.
“For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
Today I choose to meditate and ponder about the miracle of Jesus’ birth and what His sacrifice has done for me.
May you find that the Lord’s sacrifice has made you perfect, whole, and complete in Him.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for Your perfect plan to save me. Thank You for sending Your Son to sacrifice His life for me and for all people of all ages. Thank You for making it possible to be in relationship with You. Thank You for choosing me to know You, Lord. Thank You for making me blameless so that You can look upon me and see beauty – Your beauty, Lord. You made me as I am and call me to be new in You every day. You give me grace for all my imperfections. You show me how to be better, live better, and give more. You mold me and make me into the person You desire me to be. You ask me to give all I am to You, Lord. Help me continually give my will up to You. Help me to desire Your will over mine. This constant battle has raged in me my whole life. Help me finally surrender completely to You, Father. And help me to fully worship You, Lord. It is in worshiping You that I lose the cares of this world. Help me to truly be Yours, Father. Help me to serve You as You desire. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM and I desire your worship and your praise.
Response: I praise You, God Almighty, Father of all, and Creator of the universe and all that is in it!