He Goes to Prepare a Place
Daily Word:
John 14:2-3
“In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places (home). If it were not so, I would have told you, for I am going away to prepare a place for you.”
“And when (if) I go and make ready a place for you. I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.”
I love these verses.
Jesus talks about heaven as His Father’s house.
Just as we live in houses here on earth, Jesus lives in His Father’s house in heaven.
And He said there are many homes in heaven.
He also said that He will come and get us and take us to our home in heaven.
I love that Jesus goes before us and prepares our homes for us.
When I prepare my home for guests I work hard to make sure everything is perfect condition.
I make sure everything is in place for the guest’s comfort.
I make sure the house is clean and tidy.
It is a selfless effort.
It is an act of service for my guests.
Jesus is doing all of this for us.
Today I am thankful that the Son of God has shown me that the act of service is holy and that He continues to serve us from heaven.
May you find that His service to you continues until He brings you home.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for continuing to show me about service. Thank You for the home You have for me in heaven. Thank You that Your Son was sent to the lowly, the sick, and the poor. Thank You for sending Him to seemingly the most undeserving of people so that I may feel that I belong to Him as well. Thank You for sending Him to the uneducated. Thank You for sending Him to the sinners. As You sent Him to so many humble people, I feel that I am able to be received into Your hand as well. You do not require royalty or perfection to be a part of Your kingdom. You only ask for my heart. You are the God of the universe and the God of my heart. May my heart always seek You, Lord. May my heart always stay soft toward You. Keep me in Your care, Lord, as I continue to be bombarded by the world’s cares. Keep my eyes on You so that the world and all of its glitz and glimmer be dim in comparison to You. Help me serve others with joy, Father. May my service be an act of love to You and Your Son. Keep me humble, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: My love is for all people.
Response: May I share Your love with Your people, Lord.