God Hears Our Prayers:
Daily Word:
Psalm 6:2 and 9
"Have mercy on me and be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am weak (faint and withered away); O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled."
"The Lord has heard my supplication; the Lord receives my prayer."
Jesus said our lives would not be without trouble.
We all have troubling days and nights.
I am thankful that we serve a God Who is always listening.
We serve a God Who desperately cares about us.
We serve a merciful and gracious God.
He knows the number of hairs on our head.
He holds a picture of us in the palm of His hands.
He holds our tears in a bottle until we come home to Him.
While we are here on earth He searches our hearts.
There is nothing about us He doesn't know.
He loves us unconditionally.
And this scripture tells me that He hears my prayers and He receives them.
We all want to be heard.
We all want to be understood.
And we all want to be loved for who we are.
We serve an Almighty God Who hears us, understands us, and loves us.
There is nothing He wouldn't do for us.
Today I am thankful that the God of all creation hears my cry and receives my prayers.
May you find that He listens to you and receives all your prayers.
Blessings be to you!
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for always being available for me to call upon. Thank You for tending to my every need. Thank You for Your grace and mercy as I continue to need all that You have to cover me. Thank You for holding me dear to You. Thank You for watching over and protecting me. I have no need to fear or dread because I reach for You and You are near. Thank You for never turning me away. You continue to draw me closer to You. Fill me with Your love, Lord. Help me love and care for those around me. Ready me to serve as You would have me serve. Help me serve with joy, Father. Keep me from grumbling and fault finding and help me see the good in everyone that You put in front of me. May Your mercy and grace flow through me.
Answer:I hear your every plea and I AM with you to defend and protect you.
Response: Thank You most gracious and merciful Lord.