He Illumines My Darkness
You can also listen to the meditation and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/He-Illumines-My-Darkness-elqfqk
Psalm 18:28
“For You cause my lamp to be lighted and to shine; the Lord my God illumines my darkness.”
Psalm eighteen contains fifty verses but this verse spoke volumes to me today.
“The Lord my God illumines my darkness.”
We all live in moments of darkness.
Some moments last longer than others.
There are some dark years and even dark decades.
But as David so eloquently writes, “The Lord my God illumines my darkness”.
As I read this verse, I was reminded that God is the Light that shines even in the darkest of times.
I look forward to setting my eyes on the Light that illumines all darkness one day.
Our Bible tells us that the Light of the Lord will illuminate everything.
There will be no sun that sets so there will be no night as we know it.
This same Light illumines our hearts and minds as no other Light is able.
King David writes, “For You cause my lamp to be lighted and to shine”.
The Lord lights the way for us.
David had been entrapped by Saul and had enemies on every side.
As soon as the Lord had delivered him, he wrote this Psalm.
He had just experienced the fear of all fears.
And His God, our God, delivered Him.
I’m not sure that David knew what the outcome of his situation would be except that the Lord had always delivered him in the past.
However, this situation may have turned out differently.
God’s anointed, King Saul, could have remained God’s anointed.
But as we know that wasn’t what the Lord had planned.
God had planned for David to be king.
Once delivered, he wrote the Lord illumined his darkness.
As these difficult days drone on, we can be assured the same.
The Lord will cause our lamp to be lighted and He will illuminate our darkness.
We need only look to Him.
Keep our eyes on the Lord.
Allow Him to be our Light in the darkness.
Today I choose to look to the Lord to light the path I travel and illuminate the darkness around me.
May you find the Lord will light your way and illuminate the darkness around you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me You are the true light. Thank You for showing me You illuminate the darkness and will light the path You ask me to take. Thank You, Lord, for showing me the way to go. Thank You for Your patience as I traverse this life. It seems the pace is fast for me, but You must look down and see how long it takes me to be obedient and do as You ask. Forgive my lack of belief and quick obedience. Forgive my mistakes. Help me do all that You ask me to do without questioning Your commands. Help me listen the first time, Father. Make me compliant to Your voice and listen to Your every word. Help me hear You above the noise of this world. As the darkness tries to smother me, may Your Light shine so bright that it pushes the darkness aside. Help me follow You, Lord. Increase my faith so I follow You without question. Strengthen me in every way and prepare me for Your use. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Light, My child, and I will illuminate your way.
Response: Thank You, Almighty God and Father.