He Sees My Heart
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/He-Sees-My-Heart-ese47v
John 2:25
“And He did not need anyone to bear witness concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in human nature. [He could read men’s hearts].”
The Lord knows our hearts.
At first glance, this was intimidating to me.
Initially I thought I don’t even know what’s lurking around in my heart.
I wondered what the Lord would find.
Would He be pleased or distressed?
After all, the previous verses in our passage today were about the hearts of those who were unclean.
And Jesus was displeased with them.
I began to think about my thoughts which aren’t always of a higher nature.
I thought about being too easily frustrated, too easily offended, and often too fearful.
I thought about my actions being less than perfect.
But then I felt God’s grace pour over those feelings and shortcomings as He covered me in His love.
The Lord assured me that my heart was His.
He assured me by showing me that my heart was given to me by Him.
He showed me His Spirit lived in my heart and was, therefore, holy.
Not holy because of me, but holy because of Him.
Because of the gift of His Son’s life and the blood that was shed for me.
My actions, feelings, and thoughts are not always aligned with my heart which is made holy by Him.
But my true being – my heart – is His.
And I find myself being so grateful.
Grateful for a God Who loves me for my heart and forgives my less than perfect actions.
Grateful for a God Who sent His Son to die to cover my imperfections.
Grateful for a God Who made it possible for me to be completely His.
He is the God of the universe and God of my heart.
As I reflect on our passage today, I find the Lord to be compassionate in every way.
He is love.
Pure love.
He loves all the time.
Even when I cannot.
There are times love is almost out of reach.
I only need to reach for Him.
The purity of His love transforms my feelings which change who I am being.
The fullness of His love fills my soul and leaves me no other choice but to love others as well.
And I am grateful once again.
Today I choose to bask in God’s love for that is where He changes every fiber of my being so I can be more like Him.
May you find the Lord loves you and that He loves your heart and fills you with His love so you may love others.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me more about Your love. Thank you for showing me how much You love me. Thank You for showing me You see my heart because You made me and know every detail of my being. Thank You, Father, for making a way to see me in all Your perfection. Thank You for sending Your Son to cover me in grace by His blood. As You fill me with Your love and Your Holy Spirit You change who I am being. You change my actions and reactions. You change my feelings and calm my fears. You mold and shape me so that I may serve You and bless those around me. Thank You for giving me a glimpse into the fullness of Your love. Help me be fully transformed by You, Father. Keep me at Your feet. Keep me Yours, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: You are Mine, sayeth the Lord, and you are beautiful to Me My child.
Response: Undeserving of Your love and grace, thank You most merciful and loving Father.