Jesus Cares About the Small Things Too
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John 2:10
“And said to him, Everyone else serve his best wine first, and when people have drunk freely, then he serves that which is not so good; but you have kept back the good wine until now!”
We all know the story of Jesus’ first miracle where He turned the water into wine.
Jesus told them to the fill the six stone water pots with water.
Each water pot held twenty to thirty gallons of water.
And each was filled to the brim.
So, there was between one hundred twenty and one hundred eighty gallons of wine for these guests.
Not only did Jesus produce a grandiose amount of wine for them, but it was of the highest quality as attested by the manager of the wedding.
I imagined myself being at this wedding and watching what had just happened.
Seeing the power Jesus.
Verse eleven says, “This, the first of His signs (miracles, wonderworks), Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory [by it He displayed His greatness and His power openly], and His disciples believed in Him.”
The need for more wine doesn’t seem like it is an issue of major importance compared to Jesus’ many subsequent miracles of healing.
Those people had been blind, or deaf, or sick, or even dead.
We can see and fully appreciate the miracle of making someone whole.
But His first miracle was about the wine.
It was about a lesser need.
And even in the lesser need, the Lord provided the best.
The highest quality wine and a lot of it.
It made me think, the Lord is not just able, but He desires to help me with all of my seemingly lesser needs.
He doesn’t just do miracles to relieve pain, sickness, and lessen tragedy.
He wants to come beside us and provide for more simple needs as well.
There is nothing too small to bring to His feet.
There is nothing too insignificant for Him to care about.
If we care about something, He does too.
Today I choose to sit at the feet of Jesus and tell Him all the things I desire which include all the big things and all the small things.
May you find the Lord is anxious to hear about your big and small desires as you sit with Him.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me You care about all the things that matter to me. Thank You for showing me You want to be involved in every area of my life. You enjoy listening to all my desires and wants – big and small. You enjoy every detail. Continue to remind me that You are interested, Lord. Help me bring my wants, my dreams, and my biggest wishes to You. Thank You for desiring conversation with me. Thank You for showing me how to be in relationship with You. Thank You for loving me as You do. Continue to show me more and bring me closer to You with each passing day here on this earth. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I love you My child and desire time with you so I can show you more of Me and grant you all your heart desires.
Response: Undeserving of Your love and attention, thank You most gracious God and Father.