He Walks on the Wings of the Wind
You can also listen to the devotion and prayer at: https://anchor.fm/andrea-lende/episodes/He-Walks-on-the-Wings-of-the-Wind-e15pg0h
Psalm 104:1-3
“Bless (AFFECTIONATELY, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are very great! You are clothed with honor and majesty –“
“[You are the One] Who covers Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain or a tent,”
“Who lays the beams of the upper room of His abode in the water [above the firmament], Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind.”
These are such beautiful passages which remind us of the true glory of our God.
The images these words invoke in my mind’s eye are magnificent.
Our Lord is clothed with honor and majesty.
I imagine Him wrapped up in the highest of integrity and honor.
I imagine Him clothed in sovereign authority as the highest royal King in all majestic splendor.
Our passage tells us He is covered in light.
He illumines our darkness here on earth, and I long to see how the Lord lights the heavens.
I imagine Him riding a heavenly adorned cloud chariot across the skies as He watches over us.
And finally, He walks on the wings of the wind.
The Lord has created all beautiful and wonderful things that we don’t even fully understand through science.
I praise Him for all He has done and all He will do.
In these times of chaos and strife, the Lord is still walking on the wings of the wind and riding His heavenly cloud drawn chariot.
There is nothing kept from His view.
He sees you and He sees me.
He sees our need and our pain.
He will never leave us destitute of Him.
His care is perfect as we are perfectly His.
Today I praise His name for all He is, all He has created, and His perfection will which bring all glory to His name!
May you find the Lord is glorious in all His doings and He is carefully keeping watch over you.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me of Your glory today. Thank You for reminding me You walk on the wings of the wind. Thank You for reminding me You watch over me in Your cloud drawn chariot as You cross the heavenly skies. You made this earth and everything in it, Lord. I praise You for the beauty You’ve created for us, Your people. Help me see You in Your all Your creation. Help me not miss You, Lord. As the cares of this world try to drain me of my praise for You, help me always press on and see You and Your perfection. You are holy. You are majestic. You are love. Help me love as You love, Father. Help me serve You as You desire me to serve. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM, and I AM watching over you, My child.
Response: Undeserving of Your love and care, thank You Almighty God and King.