His Perfect Creation
Genesis 1:11
“And God said, Let the earth put forth [tender] vegetation: plants yielding seed and fruit trees yielding fruit whose seed is in itself, each according to its kind, upon the earth. And it was good"
As I read our verse today, I was reminded of science class where we learned that fruit carried its own seed for new fruit and plants yielded their own seed.
I was also reminded of when I taught my own children this principle as we schooled at home.
But I don’t remember reading about this principle in Genesis.
I am in awe of God’s perfect creation.
I am in awe that He made everything uniquely able to reproduce itself.
In the case of fruit and vegetables, the Lord is a supreme delegator.
He created it to renew itself for all time.
It was a self-perpetuating living thing.
We, as human beings, have not made anything which is self-perpetuating.
We have to continue to create over and over again.
Second, He made fruit independent.
When He saw the fruit and vegetation was a good thing, He also saw it would live independent of Him.
Everything He made would live independent of Him.
Except us.
I cannot live independent of our Lord.
And I am thankful I cannot because I find I need Him more and more every day.
Today I choose to praise God for His perfect creation of all things and am thankful He made me dependent on Him.
May you find the Lord has created all things perfect and has created you to be uniquely His for all time.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me new things as I read Your Word. Thank You for a new and fresh perspective of Your perfection. Lord, You are Creator. You made all things and You saw they were good. You made fruit with seeds in them to make more fruit. And you made plants to yield their seeds. Father, Your creation is simply magnificent. You also created us people. You created us to need You and rely on You. You created us to be dependent on You. Father, help me require relationship with You just as vitally as I require air to breathe. Help me lean on You instead of myself. Keep me at Your feet in worship of You instead of this world. Help me lean into You today, Lord. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM, and everything requires My careful watch. Rely on Me.
Response: Thank You for watching over me, Almighty God and Father.